5.7 Enabling Wildcard Addressing

By default, users address messages by selecting users and groups from the Address Book. If you enable wildcard addressing, users can send items to all users in a post office, domain, GroupWise system, or connected GroupWise system by using asterisks (*) as wildcards in email addresses.

You can limit wildcard addressing to a specific level (system, domain, or post office) or allow unlimited wildcard addressing. The default is to limit the wildcard addressing to post office only, meaning that a user can use wild card addressing to send to all users on his or her post office only. You can change the default for individual users, post offices, or domains.

With wildcard addressing, the sender only sees whether the item was delivered to a domain, post office, or system (by viewing the item’s properties). The properties do not show the individual user names or additional statuses. Recipients can reply to the sender only. Reply to All is unavailable.

NOTE:Wildcard addressing cannot be used for assigning shared folders or shared address books, granting proxy rights, performing busy searches, or sending routing slips.

5.7.1 Setting Wildcard Addressing Levels

By default, wildcard addressing is enabled at the post office level for all users in your GroupWise system. You can change the level (post office, domain, or system) or disable wildcard addressing.

Wildcard addressing levels can be applied to a single user, to all users in a post office, or to all users in a domain.

To set wildcard addressing defaults:

  1. In the GroupWise Administration Console, browse to and click the name of a domain, post office, or user.

  2. Click Client Options, and then click the Send tab.

    Send Options dialog box
  3. In the Wildcard Addressing list, select from the following options:

    • Not Allowed: Select this option to disable wildcard addressing.

    • Limited to Post Office (Default): Select this option to limit wildcard addressing to the user’s post office. The user can use wildcard addressing to send items to users in his or her post office only.

    • Limited to Domain: Select this option to limit wildcard addressing to the user’s domain. The user can use wildcard addressing to send items to users in his or her domain only.

    • Limited to System: Select this option to limit wildcard addressing to the user’s GroupWise system. The user can use wildcard addressing to send items to all users in his or her system only. This excludes external users (users from other systems) who have been added to your GroupWise address book.

    • Unlimited: Select this option to allow unlimited use of wildcard addressing. The user can use wildcard addressing to send to all users (including external users and non-visible users) defined in the GroupWise address book.

  4. Click OK to save the changes.

5.7.2 Wildcard Addressing Syntax

The following table shows the syntax for wildcard addressing.

Wildcard Addressing Setting

To send an item to...

Type in the To field...

Limited to Post Office

All users in your post office


Limited to Domain

All users in your post office


All users in your domain


All users in another post office in your domain


Limited to System

All users in your post office


All users in your domain


All users in another post office in your domain


All users in a post office in another domain


All users in another domain


All users in your GroupWise system



All users in your post office


All users in your domain


All users in a different post office in your domain


All users in a post office in another domain. You can also use this for external post offices and external domains.


All users in a another domain. You can also use this for external domains.


All users in the GroupWise address book (all users in the same system, all external users, and all non-visible users)
