4.26 Standalone GroupWise Database Utilities

Although the GroupWise Administration Console provides the primary administrative tool for managing your GroupWise system, additional standalone utilities are provided to meet specialized needs of GroupWise databases. These utilities perform tasks that might be necessary in environments where the GroupWise Administration Console is not available.

4.26.1 GroupWise Check Utility (GWCheck)

GroupWise Check is a standalone version of the GroupWise Administration Console Mailbox/Library Maintenance tool. Like the Mailbox/Library Maintenance tool, GroupWise Check checks and repairs GroupWise user, message, library, and resource databases. However, in addition to checking post office, user, and library databases, it also checks users’ remote, caching, and archive databases.

For information about using GroupWise Check, see GroupWise Check.

4.26.2 GroupWise Backup Time Stamp Utility (GWTMSTMP)

The GroupWise Backup Time Stamp utility (GWTMSTMP) can be used to place a time stamp on a GroupWise user database to indicate the last time the database was backed up. If a user deletes an item from his or her mailbox and purges it from the Trash, the item is only deleted from the user’s database if the time stamp shows that the item would have already been backed up. Otherwise, the item remains in the user’s database until the database is backed up, at which time it is deleted from the working database.

For information about using the GroupWise Backup Time Stamp utility, see GroupWise Backup Time Stamp Utility.

4.26.3 GroupWise Administration Utility (GWAdminUtil)

The GroupWise Administration Utility (GWAdminUtil) enables you to perform security management, agent service management, and database management tasks on the command line. You can use GWAdminUtil to validate databases, correct physical problems in a domain or post office database, reclaim unused disk space, rebuild the user sorting index, and more.

For more information about the GroupWise Administration Utility, see GroupWise Administration Utility in the GroupWise Utilities Reference.

4.26.4 GroupWise Database Copy Utility (DBCOPY)

The GroupWise Database Copy utility (DBCOPY) copies files from a live GroupWise system to a static location for backup. During the copy process, DBCOPY prevents the files from being modified, using the same locking mechanism used by other GroupWise programs that access databases. This ensures that the backed-up versions are consistent with the originals even when large databases take a substantial amount of time to copy.

For information about using the GroupWise Database Copy utility, see GroupWise Database Copy Utility.