19.3 Planning GroupWise Calendar Server

19.3.1 Gathering the Primary Domain Information

The Calendar Server needs the server information for the GroupWise Primary Domain server to be able to connect to the GroupWise system. The Primary Domain server host name or IP address, the admin service port, and the admin service username and password are required.

GroupWise Calendar Server Worksheet

Under GroupWise Domain Information, enter the host name or IP address and admin service port, username, and password.

19.3.2 Gathering the Server Information

The Calendar Server requires an TLS port for secure communication to your Mac devices. Specify the TLS port you want to use if you don’t want to use the default port 443.

GroupWise Calendar Server Worksheet

Under Server Information, enter an TLS port for the server.

If you are installing the Calendar Server in a cluster, you can bind to a specific IP address from the server or use all available IP addresses. If you are not installing in a cluster, leave Listen on all interfaces selected.

GroupWise Calendar Server Worksheet

Under Server Information, specify the IP address to listen on or specify Listen on all interfaces.

An TLS/TLS certificate is required for the Calendar Server service. Using a public or private CA, create a certificate and key (if applicable to the format you are using) for the GroupWise Calendar Server. The following formats are supported for the certificate:

  • PEM

  • DER

  • PKCS #12

  • Java keystore

  • PEM encoded with multiple objects

GroupWise Calendar Server Worksheet

Under Server Information, specify the TLS/TLS certificate and key to use for the server.

19.3.3 Specifying the Application Admin

A read-only admin user is created at initial configuration of the Calendar Server that the service uses to connect to the GroupWise Admin Service. The user is called an application admin and does not consume a mailbox in your system. You do not need to create a user before configuring the Calendar Server, but should note the username and password you plan on using.

GroupWise Calendar Server Worksheet

Under Admin Connection, specify the application admin username and password.

19.3.4 Gathering SOAP Information

The Calendar Server receives SOAP connections from the POA servers. The Calendar Server needs a port to use to receive these SOAP connections.

GroupWise Calendar Server Worksheet

Under SOAP Event Listener, specify a port and an IP address if running in a cluster. Otherwise, specify Listen on all interfaces.

19.3.5 Gathering the Novell Push Notification Certificate

The Novell Push Notification Server is used to notify your Mac devices if they have updates to CalDAV or CardDAV. It uses push technology through an open IP connection to push notifications from the server to Mac devices even when the device is asleep or the app is no longer running. A certificate is required to be able to use this service. The NPNS certificate can be downloaded from novell.com/npns.

GroupWise Calendar Server Worksheet

Under NPNS, specify the name of the NPNS certificate and key.