9.2 Windows: Installing the GroupWise Server Software

You should have already reviewed Section 8.0, Planning Your GroupWise System and filled out the appropriate GroupWise System Worksheets. The following sections step you through using the GroupWise Installation Wizard to install the GroupWise Server software.

9.2.1 Preparing the Windows Server

To prepare the Windows Server for GroupWise installation:

  1. Ensure that the server for your GroupWise system meets the system requirements listed in Section 4.0, GroupWise Server Requirements.

  2. Ensure that the server has a static IP address.

  3. Ensure that the firewall on the server has the ports open that are used by the GroupWise agents.

    For assistance, see GroupWise Port Numbers in the GroupWise Administration Guide.

  4. (Optional) Ensure that the folders exist where you want to create your domain and post office folder structures, as described in Domain Folder and Post Office Folder.

  5. Continue with Running the Windows GroupWise Installation Wizard.

9.2.2 Running the Windows GroupWise Installation Wizard

  1. Log in to Windows as an Administrator-equivalent user.

  2. Download and extract the contents of the GroupWise software to a temporary location on your server.

  3. Run setup.exe at the root of the extracted GroupWise software to start the GroupWise Installation Wizard.

  4. (Optional) Review the Readme, Quick Start, and Installation Guide to better prepare yourself for the installation.

  5. Click GroupWise Server to install the GroupWise Server component.

  6. Select the language in which you want to perform the installation, and then click OK to start the GroupWise Server Setup Wizard.

  7. Click Next to continue.

  8. Accept the License Agreement and click Next to display the Custom Setup page.

    The following components are available for installation:

    • GroupWise Server: (Required) Consists of the Admin Service, the POA, the MTA, the GWIA, and the DVA.

      All of the GroupWise agents are installed on every GroupWise server. The MTA and, optionally, the GWIA are configured to run on a domain server. The POA and the DVA are configured to run on a post office server.

    • Client Auto-Update Repository: (Optional) Helps you distribute the GroupWise client software to users’ Windows workstations.

      For usage instructions, see Using Client Auto-Update to Distribute the GroupWise Client Software in the GroupWise Administration Guide.

  9. (Optional) Click Browse to change the default location where the GroupWise software is installed.

  10. Click Next to continue, and then click Install to install the GroupWise software.

  11. When the GroupWise software is installed, click Finish to return to the main page of the Installation Wizard, and then close the Installation Wizard.

    You should see two new icons on your Windows desktop.

  12. On your Windows desktop, double-click GroupWise Install to open your web browser and to access the Installation console.

    This starts the GroupWise Admin Service and launches the GroupWise Installation console in your web browser.

    After installation, use GroupWise Admin Console to access the Admin console for ongoing GroupWise system administration.

  13. Accept the GroupWise CA signed certificate that the Installation Wizard provides for accessing the Installation console.

    The browser session will then authorize you for the next hour to perform installation console tasks. If the browser does not automatically authorize the session, you must manually authorize it by running in a command prompt the gwadmin-ipc authorize command specified in your web browser.

  14. Continue with the instructions for the type of GroupWise system that you want to create: