12.2 Using ZENworks to Distribute the GroupWise Client Software

There are two bundles you can create to distribute the GroupWise client software. The first assumes that GroupWise is not installed on the target machines. The second lets the user know that GroupWise is being installed and prompts them to close it if it is open.

12.2.1 Creating a Bundle to Install the GroupWise Client

Use this bundle if your workstations do not have the GroupWise client installed.

  1. In the ZENworks Control Center, on the Bundles tab, create a new Windows Empty Bundle with the following:

    • Upload the GroupWise icon as the icon for the bundle. The icon can be found on the GroupWise server in the following location:


    • Select Create as Sandbox and make sure Define Additional Properties is selected when you finish the bundle.

  2. Create the following actions on the Install tab of the bundle:

    1. An Install Files action called Install GroupWise Installation Files that does the following:

      • Add the following three files:

        • extract_setupip_packs.cmd

        • setupip.fil

        • setupip.xx (where xx is a two-letter language code)

      • Select Do not compress or encrypt uploaded content if it is available.

      • Set the Destination Directory to a temporary location on the machine where all of the GroupWise install actions can be performed. For example:


      • Under Executable security level, select Run as secure system user (Don’t allow system to interact with desktop).

    2. A Launch Executable action called Run extract_setupip_packs.cmd that does the following:

      • In the Command field, specify the path to the extract_setupip_packs.cmd file which was placed on the device in Step 2.a. For example:


      • In the Working Directory field, specify the temporary location specified in Step 2.a. For example:

      • In the Wait before proceeding to next action box, select When action is complete.

      • On the Advanced tab, make sure Run as secure system user (Don’t allow system to interact with desktop) is selected.

      NOTE:When this step runs on the device, a win32 folder is created in the temporary folder where the GroupWise client install files were placed previously. You need to know the path to this folder for the following steps.

    3. An Install File(s) action called Install groupwise.mst that does the following:

      • Add the groupwise.mst file.

      • Select Do not compress or encrypt uploaded content if it is available.

      • Set the Destination Directory to be the path to the win32 folder that gets created by the script in Step 2.b. For example:


      • Under Executable security level, select Run as secure system user (Don’t allow system to interact with desktop).

    4. A Run Script action called Run install.bat that does the following:

      • Select Define your own script.

      • Edit the script content and specify the following:

        SET GW_INST_TRANSFORM_FILE=groupwise.mst
        C:\Windows\Temp\gwclient\win32\install.bat /silent

        The install.bat can take one of the two following parameters:




        Users see a window showing that GroupWise is being installed, but do not have to interact with the install.


        Users do not see that GroupWise is being installed.

      • In Wait before proceeding to next action, select When action is complete.

      • On the Advanced tab under Executable Security, select Run as secure system user (Do not allow system to interact with desktop).

    5. A Launch Executable action called Launch GroupWise that does the following:

      • For Command, specify the following:

        "C:\Program Files (x86)\Novell\GroupWise\grpwise.exe"

      NOTE:Change this path accordingly if GroupWise was installed to a different location.

    6. A Create/Delete Directory action called Delete Temporary Install Files that does the following:

      • For Action Type, select Delete directory.

      • For Directory Name, specify C:\Windows\Temp\gwclient or the temporary location from Step 2.a.

      • Under Executable security level, select Run as secure system user (Do not allow system to interact with desktop).

  3. The bundle is now configured to install the GroupWise client. Assign the bundle to a test workstation to test it and make sure it is working as desired before publishing the bundle.

12.2.2 Creating a Bundle to Install/Upgrade the GroupWise Client

Use this bundle if your workstations have the GroupWise Client installed.

  1. In the ZENworks Control Center, on the Bundles tab, create a new Windows Empty Bundle with the following:

    • Upload the GroupWise icon as the icon for the bundle. The icon can be found on the GroupWise server in the following location:


    • Select Create as Sandbox and make sure Define Additional Properties is selected when you finish the bundle.

  2. Create the following actions on the Install tab of the bundle:

    1. A Prompt User action called Prompt User to close GroupWise that does the following:

      • Select the desired values for User Cancels Allowed and Seconds to be Displayed.

      • Define prompts for desired locales.

      • Add prompt text similar to the following:

        GroupWise is ready to be installed/upgraded. Please save any work-in-progress emails, close all GroupWise windows, and click OK.
    2. A Run Script action called Check for Running GroupWise that does the following:

      • Select Define your own script.

      • Edit the script content and add the following:

        SETLOCAL EnableExtensions
        set EXE=grpwise.exe
        FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %EXE%"') DO IF %%x == %EXE% goto FOUND
        EXIT 0
        goto FIN
      • In Wait before proceeding to the next action, select When action is complete.

      • On the Advanced tab under Executable security level, select Run as secure system user (Don’t allow system to interact with desktop).

    3. An Install Files action called Install GroupWise Installation Files that does the following:

      • Add the following three files:

        • extract_setupip_packs.cmd

        • setupip.fil

        • setupip.xx (where xx is a two-letter language code)

      • Select Do not compress or encrypt uploaded content if it is available.

      • Set the Destination Directory to a temporary location on the machine where all of the GroupWise install actions can be performed. For example:


      • Under Executable security level, select Run as secure system user (Don’t allow system to interact with desktop).

    4. A Launch Executable action called Run extract_setupip_packs.cmd that does the following:

      • In the Command field, specify the path to the extract_setupip_packs.cmd file which was placed on the device in Step 2.c. For example:


      • In the Working Directory field, specify the temporary location specified in Step 2.c. For example:

      • In the Wait before proceeding to next action box, select When action is complete.

      • On the Advanced tab, make sure Run as secure system user (Don’t allow system to interact with desktop) is selected.

      NOTE:When this step runs on the device, a win32 folder is created in the temporary folder where the GroupWise client install files were placed previously. You need to know the path to this folder for the following steps.

    5. An Install File(s) action called Install groupwise.mst that does the following:

      • Add the groupwise.mst file.

      • Select Do not compress or encrypt uploaded content if it is available.

      • Set the Destination Directory to be the path to the win32 folder that gets created by the script in Step 2.d. For example:


      • Under Executable security level, select Run as secure system user (Don’t allow system to interact with desktop).

    6. Do the following:

      • Select the check box next to the Check for Running GroupWise Run Script action that was created in Step 2.b.

      • Click Duplicate to add another copy of this action.

      This is a check to make sure the user hasn’t launched GroupWise after the initial prompt.

    7. A File Removal action called Delete GroupWise Shortcut that does the following:

      • For Full Path to Source Files/Directories, specify the following:

      • For Run Action As, make sure System is selected.

    8. (Optional) A Display Message action called Alert User that GroupWise install is finishing that does the following:

      • Define prompts for the desired locales. The message could be similar to the following:

        GroupWise will finish it's install/upgrade in a few minutes. The application will launch automatically when finished.
        Thank you for your patience!
    9. A Run Script action called Run install.bat that does the following:

      • Select Define your own script.

      • Edit the script content and specify the following:

        SET GW_INST_TRANSFORM_FILE=groupwise.mst
        C:\Windows\Temp\gwclient\win32\install.bat /silent

        The install.bat can take one of the two following parameters:




        Users see a window showing that GroupWise is being installed, but do not have to interact with the install.


        Users do not see that GroupWise is being installed.

      • In Wait before proceeding to next action, select When action is complete.

      • On the Advanced tab under Executable Security, select Run as secure system user (Do not allow system to interact with desktop).

    10. A Launch Executable action called Launch GroupWise that does the following:

      • For Command, specify the following:

        "C:\Program Files (x86)\Novell\GroupWise\grpwise.exe"

      NOTE:Change this path accordingly if GroupWise was installed to a different location.

    11. A Create/Delete Directory action called Delete Temporary Install Files that does the following:

      • For Action Type, select Delete directory.

      • For Directory Name, specify C:\Windows\Temp\gwclient or the temporary location from Step 2.c.

      • Under Executable security level, select Run as secure system user (Do not allow system to interact with desktop).

  3. The bundle is now configured to install the GroupWise client. Assign the bundle to a test workstation to test it and make sure it is working as desired before publishing the bundle.