20.5 Forwarding Email

Use Forward to send received items or document references to other users. The mail message includes your name and any additional comments you have made.

If you want to automatically forward some or all messages to another email account, see Creating a Rule to Forward All Mail to Another Account.

20.5.1 Forwarding an Email

To forward an email:

  1. Open the item you want to forward.

  2. (Optional) Click the drop-down arrow on the Forward button, and then select the forwarding option you want to use.

    The option you select is saved as the default for the next time you use the Forward button.

  3. Click Forward on the toolbar.


    Click Actions > Forward as Attachment.

  4. Add the names of the users to whom you want to forward the item.

  5. (Optional) Type a message.

  6. Click Send on the toolbar.

NOTE:Forward options are also available under the Options drop-down menu in the Compose Options slide-out.

20.5.2 Forwarding Multiple Emails

To forward multiple emails:

  1. In your Mailbox, select the items you want to forward by pressing Ctrl+click on each item.

  2. Click Actions > Forward as Attachment.

  3. Add the names of the users to whom you want to forward the item.

  4. (Optional) Type a message.

  5. Click Send on the toolbar.