43.5 Tracking Status in the Tasklist Folder

You can specify a completion percentage for items in the Tasklist Folder. This percentage helps you track the completion status of your tasks.

43.5.1 Specifying a Completion Percentage

You can track progress toward completion of a task by specifying a completion percentage for any item in the Tasklist folder.

  1. In the Tasklist folder, open the item whose completion percentage you want to specify.

  2. In the % Complete field, specify the completion percentage.

The completion percentage is automatically saved when you close the item.

43.5.2 Displaying the Completion Percentage in the Tasklist Folder

You can show completion percentages in a column in your Tasklist folder. By default, this column is not displayed. To display the % Complete column:

  1. Open the Tasklist folder.

  2. Right-click the column headers in the Tasklist folder, and then select More Columns.

  3. In the Available Columns list, click % Complete, and then click Add.

  4. Click Up or Down to move the column to the position you prefer.

  5. Click Smaller or Larger to adjust the column width.

  6. Click OK when you are finished.

    The column now appears in your Tasklist folder.

43.5.3 Checking the Completion Status of a Task You Sent

In the Tasklist folder, you can check the status of any task you send.

NOTE:You can only check the completion status of tasks. You cannot check the status of emails and other item types that you have sent to other people.

  1. Open the Tasklist folder.

  2. Open the task you want to check.

  3. Click the Properties tab.