2.7 Changing the IP Address or Host Name of the Mobility Server

For a Mobility system with just a small number of users on a single server, the simplest approach is to reinstall the Mobility Service software, and then have users reinitialize their mobile devices.

For a Mobility system with a large number of users, where having users reinitialize their mobile devices after reinstalling the Mobility Service software could be problematic, you can reconfigure your Mobility system with a new IP address, and then have users change the IP address that their mobile devices use to access the Mobility system.

2.7.1 Changing the IP Address for a Small Mobility System

  1. Uninstall the Mobility Service software.

    For instructions, see Uninstalling the Mobility Service in the GroupWise Mobility Service Installation Guide.

  2. Change the IP address of the server.

  3. Reinstall the Mobility Service software.

    For instructions, see Running the Mobility Service Installation Program in the GroupWise Mobility Service Installation Guide.

  4. Instruct your mobile device users to delete their accounts from their mobile devices, set them up using the new IP address, then reinitialize their mobile devices.

2.7.2 Changing the IP Address for a Large Mobility System

  1. Stop the Mobility Service:

    gms stop
  2. Change the IP address of the server.

  3. Use MCheck to clear event configurations:

    1. In a terminal window on the Mobility server, become root by entering su - and the root password.

    2. Change to the following directory:

    3. Run the following command:

      python3 mcheck.pyc

      The main MCheck menu displays.

      1 System
      2 Users
      3 Database
      0 Exit
      Select Option:
    4. Select 2 Users.

    5. Select 2 Remove Old Event Configuration.

    6. Enter the MAC address for the Mobility server whose IP address you changed.

      MCheck reads all users on the Mobility server and retrieves their event configurations. If the MAC address you entered matches the MAC address in an event configuration, it removes the event configuration.

      When MCheck is finished, the console displays 1) a list of all event configurations that were removed and 2) a total of all event configurations that were removed.

  4. Start the Mobility Service:

    gms start
  5. Instruct your mobile device users to reconfigure their accounts with the new IP address.

2.7.3 Changing the Host Name of a Mobility Server

If you need to change the host name of your mobility server, use the administrative tools and methods associated with your OS platform. Here are a few GMS-specific general guidelines to follow:

  1. Stop GMS.

  2. Change the host name using your platform’s tools.

  3. Adjust the network DNS entries, etc. associated with GMS.

  4. Install new certificates, and so on as needed. See MCheck > Certificates.

  5. Using MCheck, Fix your Mobility Encryption.

  6. Restart GMS.

  7. Instruct your mobile device users to reinitialize their accounts.