The web-based DVA console enables you to monitor the DVA from any location where you have access to a web browser and the Internet.
Open the DVA file in a text editor.
To specify the user name for logging into the DVA console:
Search to find the following switch:
Remove the semicolon (;) to activate the setting.
Specify a unique user name.
To specify the password for logging into the DVA console:
Search to find the following switch:
Remove the semicolon (;) to activate the setting.
Specify the password for the console user.
Unless you are using an SSL connection, do not use a LDAP directory user name and password because the information passes over the non-secure connection between your web browser and the DVA.
(Conditional) If the default DVA HTTP port of 8301 is already in use on the server:
Search to find the following switch:
Remove the semicolon (;) to activate the setting.
Specify a unique port number.
Save the DVA file.
In a web browser, enter the following URL:
Replace server_address with the DVA server IP address or DNS host name, and replace port_number with 8301 or whatever port number you have specified in the DVA startup file.
When prompted, enter the user name and password.
The DVA console is displayed.
Through the DVA console you can view the following information:
Status: Displays how long the DVA has been up, the number of worker threads it has started, the peak number of threads that have been busy, statistics about the files the worker threads have processed, and the worker processes and the process IDs.
Configuration: Displays the current settings of all the options that you can set in the DVA startup file (startup.dva). For more information, see Configuring the DVA.
Environment: Displays server information such as name, operating system date, memory, processor utilization, and loaded modules.
Log Files: Lets you view the contents of the DVA log files and the current log settings. For more information, see Using DVA Log Files.
Quarantine Files: Indicates whether the document quarantine is enabled, and if so, what files have been quarantined. For more information, see Enabling the DVA Document Quarantine
You cannot use the console to change any DVA settings. Changes must be made through the DVA startup file (startup.dva).