31.4 Setting Up an Email Client for POP3/IMAP4 Services

With the GWIA set up as a POP3 and/or IMAP4 server, you can configure users’ email clients to download messages from GroupWise mailboxes.

Most email clients are configured differently. However, all Internet clients need to know the following information:

  • POP3/IMAP4 Server: The DNS host name or IP address of the GWIA.

  • Login Name: The user’s GroupWise user name. For POP3 clients, there are several user name login options you can use to control how the GWIA handles the user’s messages. For example, you can limit how many messages are downloaded each session. For more information, see User Name Login Options.

  • Password: The user’s existing GroupWise mailbox password. POP3/IMAP4 services requires users to have passwords assigned to their mailboxes.

31.4.1 User Name Login Options

With POP3 clients, users can add the options listed in the table below to the login name (GroupWise user name) to control management of their mailbox messages. If used, these options override the POP3 settings assigned through the user’s class of service. See Creating a Class of Service.

Login options are appended to the user name with a colon character (:) between the user name and the switches:

Syntax: user_name:switch

Example: User1:v=1

You can combine options by stringing them together after the user name and the colon without any spaces between the options:

Syntax: user_name:switch1switch2

Example: User1:v=1sdl=10

The syntax for the user name options is not case sensitive. Login options are not required. If you do not want to include any login options, just enter the user name in the text box, or following the USER command if you are using a Telnet application as your POP3 client.




v=number between 1-31

The v option defines the POP3 client’s view number. If multiple POP3 clients access the same GroupWise mailbox, each client must use a different view number in order to see a fresh mailbox.

For example, if two POP3 clients access a mailbox and the first client downloads the unread messages, the second client cannot download the messages unless it is using a different view number than the first client.

If this option is not used, the default value is 1.



The d option deletes the messages from the GroupWise mailbox after they have been downloaded to the POP3 client.



The p option purges the messages from the GroupWise mailbox after they have been downloaded to the POP3 client.



The t option defines the download period, starting with the current day. For example, if you specify 14, then only messages that are 14 days old or newer are downloaded. If this option is not used, the default value is 30 days.



The m option downloads messages in MIME format. This is the default.



The s option presets the file size when the STAT command is executed. If the user mailbox contains a lot of messages or large messages, it can take a long time to calculate the file size. With this option, the STAT command always reports an artificial file size of 1, which can save time.



The l option limits the number of messages to download for each POP3 session. For example, if you want to limit the number of messages to 10, you enter l=10. If this option is not used, the default value is 100 messages.
