32.7 Stopping the GWIA

The GWIA can be stopped in the same ways as the other GroupWise agents. See Working with the GroupWise Agents in the GroupWise Installation Guide.

In addition, you can use the following methods that do not apply to the other GroupWise agent:

32.7.1 Using a Mail Message

The GWIA can be stopped by sending a shutdown message to the GWIA. In order to shut down the program with a message, the user sending the message must be defined as an operator for the GWIA. This prevents unauthorized users from shutting down the GWIA. For information about defining a user as an operator, see Assigning Users to Receive GWIA Warning and Error Messages.

The message to shut down the GWIA must be addressed to the GWIA, not a non-GroupWise domain. The syntax for the To line is:


Replace gwia with the name of the GWIA object.

32.7.2 Using a Shutdown File

The GWIA can also be stopped by placing a file named shutdown in the domain/wpgate/gwia/000.prc folder. When the GWIA sees this file, it deletes the file and shuts down.