34.3 Environment Switches

The following switches configure GWIA environment settings such as working folders, clustering support, and SNMP support.

34.3.1 --cluster

Informs the GWIA that it is running in a cluster. A clustered GWIA automatically binds to the host name configured for the GWIA object even if the Bind Exclusively to Host Name option is not selected on the GWIA Agent Settings tab in the GroupWise Administration Console. This prevents unintended connections to other IP addresses, such as the loopback address or the node’s physical IP address. For information about clustering the GWIA, see Setting up a GroupWise Cluster in the GroupWise Interoperability Guide.

Syntax: --cluster

34.3.2 --ip

Binds the GWIA to the specified host name so that, on a server with multiple IP addresses, the GWIA uses only the specified address.

Syntax: --ip address

Example: --ip

34.3.3 --ipa

Specifies the IP address (or host name) of a GroupWise POA that the GWIA can use to resolve IP addresses of other POAs in the system. This replaces the need to configure post office links for the GWIA in the GroupWise Administration Console (Domain object > Post Office Links).

If you have established a GroupWise name server ( ngwnameserver), you can use it. See Simplifying Client Access with a GroupWise Name Server.

Syntax: --ipa address

Example: --ipa ngwnameserver

34.3.4 --ipp

Specifies the port number of a GroupWise POA that the GWIA can use to resolve IP addresses of other POAs in the system. This replaces the need to configure post office links for the GWIA in the GroupWise Administration Console (Domain object > Post Office Links).

If you have established a GroupWise name server ( ngwnameserver), you can use it. See Simplifying Client Access with a GroupWise Name Server.

Syntax: --ipp port_number

Example: --ipp 678

34.3.5 --nosnmp

Disables SNMP for the GWIA. The default is to have SNMP enabled. See Using an SNMP Management Console.

Syntax: --nosnmp

34.3.6 --smtphome

Specifies a secondary SMTP queues folder for inbound and outbound messages. This secondary folder can be helpful for troubleshooting by providing a way to trap messages before they are routed to the Internet. You can also use the secondary folder to run third-party utilities such as a virus scanner on Internet-bound messages.

The GWIA places all outbound messages in this secondary folder. The messages must then be moved manually (or by another application) to the primary SMTP queue’s send folder ( ‑‑dhome switch) before the GWIA routes them to the Internet.

Syntax: --smtphome path

Example: --smtphome mail:\provo1\wpgate\gwia\smtp2

34.3.7 --work

Sets the folder where the GWIA stores its temporary files. On Linux, the work folder is located in the domain by default. On Windows, it is not.





Syntax: --work path_name

Linux Example: --work /opt/novell/groupwise/tmp

Windows Example: /work -j:\tmp\work

34.3.8 --nasoq

By default, the GWIA sends the accounting file (acct) to users specified as accountants in the GroupWise Administration Console (GWIA object > GroupWise > Administrators). The file is sent daily at midnight and any time the GWIA shuts down.

This switch configures the GWIA to send the acct file once daily at midnight, not each time the GWIA quits or is shut down.

Syntax: --nasoq