17.5 Using an SNMP Management Console

You can monitor the GroupWise agents from SNMP management and monitoring programs. When properly configured, the GroupWise agents send SNMP traps to network management consoles for display along with other SNMP monitored programs.

Although the GroupWise agents are SNMP-enabled by default, the server where the GroupWise agents are installed must be properly configured to support SNMP, and the agents must also be properly configured. To set up SNMP services, complete the following tasks:

17.5.1 Setting Up SNMP Services for the POA

Select the instructions for the platform where the POA runs:

Linux: Setting Up SNMP Services for the POA

The Linux GroupWise agents are compatible with NET-SNMP. An older version of SNMP called UCD-SNMP cannot be used with the Linux GroupWise agents. NET-SNMP comes with OES, but it does not come with SLES. If you are using SLES, you must update to NET-SNMP in order to use SNMP to monitor the Linux GroupWise agents.

  1. Ensure you are logged in as root.

  2. If NET-SNMP is not already set up on your Linux server, use the following command to configure SNMP:

                        snmpconf -g basic_setup

    The snmpconf command creates the snmpd.conf file in one of the following folders, depending on your version of Linux:

  3. Locate the snmpd.conf file on your Linux server.

  4. In a text editor, open the snmpd.conf file and add or uncomment the following lines:

    dlmod Gwsnmp /opt/novell/groupwise/agents/lib/libgwsnmp.so

    export LD_LBRARY_PATH=/opt/novell/groupwise/agents/lib

    export MIBDIRS=/usr/share/snmp/mibs:/opt/novell/groupwise/agents/mibs

    export MIBS=ALL

  5. Save the snmpd.conf file and exit the text editor.

  6. Restart the SNMP daemon (snmpd) to put the changes into effect.

    IMPORTANT:Ensure that the SNMP daemon always starts before the POA starts.

Skip to Copying and Compiling the POA MIB File.

Windows: Setting Up SNMP Services for the POA

SNMP support is automatically installed along with the GroupWise agents. SNMP support is provided for up to 8 instances of each GroupWise agent on the same Windows server. Upon startup, each instance of a GroupWise agent is dynamically assigned a row in its SNMP table. View the contents of the agent MIB for a description of the SNMP variables in the table.

On some versions of Windows Server, the SNMP Service is not included during the initial operating system installation. The SNMP Service can be added either before or after the GroupWise agents are installed on the Windows server.

Continue with Copying and Compiling the POA MIB File.

17.5.2 Copying and Compiling the POA MIB File

An SNMP-enabled GroupWise agent returns information contained in a Management Information Base (MIB). The MIB is an ASCII data structure that defines the information gathered. It also defines the properties that can be monitored and managed on the SNMP-enabled GroupWise agent.

Before you can monitor an SNMP-enabled GroupWise agent, you must compile the agent MIB file using your SNMP management program. GroupWise agent MIB files are located in the /agents/mibs folder in your GroupWise software installation.

The MIB file contains all the Trap, Set, and Get variables used for communication between the GroupWise agent and the SNMP management console. The Trap variables provide warnings that point to current and potential problems. The Set variables allow you to configure portions of the application while it is still running. The Get variables display the current status of different processes of the application.

  1. Copy the agent MIB file to the location required by your SNMP management program.

  2. Compile or import the agent MIB file as required by your SNMP management program.

Continue with Configuring the POA for SNMP Monitoring.

17.5.3 Configuring the POA for SNMP Monitoring

In order for SNMP monitoring programs to monitor a GroupWise agent, the GroupWise agent must be configured with an SNMP community string.

  1. In the GroupWise Administration Console, browse to and click the GroupWise agent object.

  2. Click the Agent Settings tab, and then locate the SNMP Community “Get” String field.

  3. Provide your system SNMP community “Get” string, and then click OK.

  4. Configure the SNMP Service with the same community “Get” string.

  5. Restart the applicable GroupWise agent.

    The GroupWise agent should now be visible to your SNMP monitoring program.