34.10 Console Switches (Server)

The following switches apply to the GWIA server console:

34.10.1 --color

Sets the default color of the GWIA console. The values range from 0-7.

Syntax: color-0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7

Example: --color 3

You can also change the color of the screen for a GWIA session. From the menu on the bottom of the console, select Options, and then press the key for Colors.

34.10.2 --help

Displays the Help screen for the startup switches.

Syntax: --help

34.10.3 --mono

Runs the GWIA for a computer with a monochrome monitor.

Syntax: --mono

34.10.4 --show (Linux Only)

Starts the GWIA with a server console user interface.

By default, no user interface is provided for the agents on Linux. An agent that runs with a user interface cannot be managed in the GroupWise Administration Console.

The --show startup switch can be used on the command line or in the gwha.conf file used by the GroupWise High Availability Service. It cannot be placed in the agent startup file.

Syntax: --show

The ‑‑show switch cannot be used in the GWIA startup file (gwia.cfg). However, if you want the GWIA to start with a user interface when you run the grpwise script or when the server reboots, you can configure the GroupWise High Availability service (gwha) to accomplish this. An agent that runs with a user interface cannot be managed in the GroupWise Administration Console because it is not running as a service.