2.5 Managing the GroupWise Admin Service

The GroupWise Admin Service interacts with your web browser to provide the GroupWise Administration Console. For background information about the GroupWise Admin Service, see Administration Service Architecture in the GroupWise Installation Guide.

2.5.1 Linux: Managing the GroupWise Admin Service

There are a variety of ways to start and stop the GroupWise Admin Service on the command line. Information about Admin Service functioning is found in the Admin Service log file.

Using the rcgrpwise Command

Use the following rcgrpwise commands to start and stop the GroupWise Admin Service:

rcgrpwise start gwadminservice
rcgrpwise restart gwadminservice
rcgrpwise stop gwadminservice

When you use the following rcgrpwise commands, the GroupWise Admin Service starts and stops along with the GroupWise agents on the server:

rcgrpwise start
rcgrpwise restartall
rcgrpwise stop

Using rcgrpwise restart restarts the GroupWise agents, but not the GroupWise Admin Service

Using the gwadminutil Command

Use the following gwadminutil commands to start and stop the GroupWise Admin Service:

gwadminutil services -start gwadminservice
gwadminutil services -stop gwadminservice

Using the gwsc Command

Use the following gwsc commands as shortcuts for the gwadminutil commands to start and stop and GroupWise Admin Service:

gwsc -start gwadminservice
gwsc -stop gwadminservice

Using the GroupWise Admin Service Log File

In general, the GroupWise Admin Service runs smoothly. If something unusual happens, you can check the GroupWise Admin Service log file for more information. The GroupWise Admin Service log file is located in the following folder:


2.5.2 Windows: Managing the GroupWise Admin Service

There are a variety of ways to start and stop the GroupWise Admin Service on the command line. Information about Admin Service functioning is found in the Admin Service log file.

Using the Windows Services Administrative Tool

The GroupWise Admin Service can be managed just like any other Windows service.

  1. On the Windows Control Panel, click Administrative Tools > Services.

  2. Scroll down the GroupWise Administration Service.

  3. Right-click GroupWise Administration Service, and then click an administrative task.

Using the gwadminutil Command on the Windows Command Line

Use the following gwadminutil commands to start and stop the GroupWise Admin Service:

gwadminutil services -start gwadminservice
gwadminutil services -stop gwadminservice

Using the gwsc Command on the Windows Command Line

Use the following gwsc commands as shortcuts for the gwadminutil commands to start and stop and GroupWise Admin Service:

gwsc -start gwadminservice
gwsc -stop gwadminservice

Using the GroupWise Admin Service Log File

In general, the GroupWise Admin Service runs smoothly. If something unusual happens, you can check the GroupWise Admin Service log file for more information. The GroupWise Admin Service log file is located in the following folder:


NOTE:On some versions of Windows Server, the ProgramData folder is not visible by default. To display it in File Explorer, click View, and then select Hidden items.