12.1 Prerequisites

Before creating a bundle for the GroupWise client software in ZENworks, you must have the following:

  • A copy of the following GroupWise client software on the machine where you are creating the ZENworks Bundle:

    • extract_setupip_packs.cmd

    • setupip.fil

    • setupip.xx (where xx is a two-letter language code)

    The GroupWise client software can be found on the GroupWise server in the following location:

    • Linux:
    • Windows:
    • /opt/novell/groupwise/agents/data/client/setup/win32
    • C:\Program Files\Novell\GroupWise Server\agents\data\client\setup\win32

    You can also extract the GroupWise Server installation files on your workstation if you don’t have access to the GroupWise server. To do this, follow the steps in Extracting the GroupWise Software in the GroupWise Administration Guide.

  • A GroupWise MST file to customize the GroupWise install. For information on creating an MST file, see Using GroupWise Client Custom Installation Options in the GroupWise Administration Guide.

    IMPORTANT:If you want a shortcut created on the desktop for GroupWise, make sure that is selected in the MST file.

  • (Optional) A copy of the GroupWise icon which can be found on your GroupWise server in the following location:
