gwadminutil-certinst (1)


gwadminutil-certinst - The GroupWise Administration Utility certificate installation option


          gwadminutil certinst -db path -ca address -a name -p [password] [-n name]


Contacts the primary domain Admin Service certificate authority (CA) and installs a new certificate for the Admin Service on the local domain or post office server.

In order to contact the primary domain Admin Service certificate authority, you must provide the path to the primary domain database, the GroupWise Super Admin user name and password, and the IP address and port number of the Admin Service.


Usage Options:

-a , --admin name

Specifies the user name of the GroupWise Super Admin.

-ca ip_address:port

Specifies the IP address and port number of the Admin Service certificate authority (CA) on the primary domain server.

-db , --database /path_to_database

Specifies the path to the domain or post office database for which the local Admin Service is running.

-n , --name poa_name

Specifies the object name of the POA when multiple POAs run for a single post office.

-p , --password [password]

Provides the password for the GroupWise Super Admin. Do not specify the password on the command line if you want to be prompted for it.

Help Options:

--help , -?

Displays the help information and exits.



Script file that runs GWAdminUtil.


Certificate and key files created for domain servers and post office servers.


Server certificate file for a domain/MTA.


Private key file for a domain server certificate.


Server certificate file for a post office/POA.


Private key file for a post office server certificate.


This program normally runs as root.

gwadminutil certinst -db /gwsystem/provo1 -ca -a admin -p

Contacts the Admin Service CA on the primary domain server and installs a new certificate on the local server.