76.1 Preparing to Use Remote Mode

Use Hit the Road on the Tools menu (or switch from Online mode to Remote mode) to create, set up, or update your Remote Mailbox. Your local mailbox is created on your local drive, and any current connections are detected and set up. If you have already used Caching mode, your local mailbox has already been created.

You can also use Hit the Road to create setup files on a disk to set up your Remote Mailbox on a computer that is not connected to the network.

Several users can set up their Remote Mailboxes on a single shared computer.

76.1.1 Setting Up Your Remote Mailbox

If you switch from Online mode to Remote mode, you can enter the path to the Remote Mailbox. If this path does not exist, Hit the Road runs automatically. The following steps explain how to set up your Remote Mailbox by using Hit the Road.

  1. Ensure that GroupWise is installed on the computer where you want to set up your Remote Mailbox.

  2. Ensure that you have a password on your Online Mailbox.

  3. Run GroupWise, in Online mode, in your office on your docked laptop or a workstation.

  4. Click Tools > Hit the Road.

  5. Type your Mailbox password, and then click OK.

  6. To create your Remote Mailbox on the docked laptop that is currently connected to the network with your Online GroupWise system, click This Machine, and then click Next.

    If you click This Machine and GroupWise is not installed on the docked laptop, you are prompted to install GroupWise. To use GroupWise away from your office, click Yes to install GroupWise on the computer you’re traveling with. Continue with Step 7.


    To create a setup diskette for another computer, such as your home computer, click Another Machine, and then click Next. Have a diskette ready. When your setup diskette is created, insert it into the computer where you want to set up your Remote Mailbox (such as your home computer), and then run setup.exe from the diskette. Go to Step 10.

  7. Type the path for your Remote Mailbox, and then click Next.

  8. Select the phone numbers you use to connect to your Online Mailbox, and then click Next.

  9. Select the items you want to copy to your Remote Mailbox, and then click Finish.

  10. Exit GroupWise.

  11. Right-click the Windows desktop, and then click New > Shortcut.

  12. Type c:\Program Files\Novell\GroupWise\grpwise.exe /pr-path_to_remote_mailbox.

    The path is the path you typed in Step 7.

  13. Click Next.

  14. Type a name for the shortcut, such as Remote.

  15. Click Finish.

    After setting up your Remote Mailbox, you can begin sending and retrieving items and address book information from your Online Mailbox.

76.1.2 Setting Up Multiple Remote Mailboxes on a Shared Computer

These steps should be completed by each user who is setting up a Remote Mailbox on the shared computer.

  1. Run GroupWise in Online mode, and then click Tools > Hit the Road.

  2. If prompted, enter your password.

  3. To create a Remote Mailbox setup disk, click Another Machine.

  4. Follow the steps in the Hit the Road Wizard, inserting a blank disk in the last step to save the setup files.

  5. Log in to Windows on the shared computer, using a unique user name.

  6. Insert the setup disk into the shared computer, and then run setup.exe from the disk.

    Ensure that GroupWise is installed on the shared computer.

  7. Select a folder for your Remote Mailbox files, and then click OK.

    This folder should not be shared with other users.

  8. To run GroupWise against your Remote Mailbox, each user should log in to Windows with a unique user name before starting GroupWise.

76.1.3 Configuring Your Remote Connections

When you run GroupWise in Remote mode, you can connect to your Online GroupWise system through a modem connection, a network (direct) connection, or a TCP/IP connection. When you use Hit the Road to set up your Remote Mailbox, GroupWise creates the appropriate connections based on how you are currently running GroupWise. You can create new connections, as well as change or delete existing ones.


You can switch among connection types if there are no pending requests on the connection you are switching from. For example, if you’re retrieving and sending items with a network connection and you disconnect before the transmission is complete, you should not switch to a modem connection to process the requests. Complete the original requests with the original connection.

Modem Connections

When you connect with a modem connection, you dial in to your Online GroupWise system over a phone line. You need to set up dialing information for each remote location. For example, in a hotel you often need to dial 9 to access an outside line, but at home you do not. Each of these situations requires a separate remote location. For more information about setting dialing properties for each remote location, see your Windows documentation.

TCP/IP Connections

TCP/IP connections use an IP address and port to connect to your Online GroupWise system. If you use a toll-free Internet provider while you’re away from your office, you can avoid phone charges by using a TCP/IP connection. In addition, you do not need to exit an Internet connection and hang up the phone to connect to your Online GroupWise system via a modem connection. You can use the same Internet connection to connect to your Online GroupWise system.

Network (Direct) Connections

When you’re at the office, you can run GroupWise in Remote mode with a network connection. A network connection is useful for quickly retrieving large amounts of information, such as your GroupWise Address Book.

Connection Status

When you use Hit the Road to update your Remote Mailbox before leaving the office or when you send and retrieve items remotely, the Connection Status window displays. This window lets you monitor the information transfer between your Online GroupWise system and your Remote Mailbox. To display detailed connection information, use Show Log. To display the number of requests the Online GroupWise system needs to process, use Requests. To stop the information transfer anytime, use Disconnect.

In addition to the Connection Status window, the icon in the Windows taskbar indicates the status of your connection.



You are connected.

You are disconnected.

You are sending items.

You are receiving items.

Connection Log

Use the Connection Log to display connection information and to troubleshoot connection problems. This log includes information about connection time, error messages, and so forth.

GroupWise uses three Connection Log files to log the connection information: remote1.log, remote2.log, and remote3.log. GroupWise uses the next log file each time you run GroupWise in Remote mode.

Creating a Modem Connection

Contact your GroupWise administrator for your gateway’s phone number, login ID, and password.

  1. In Remote mode, click Accounts > Send/Retrieve > GroupWise Options.

  2. Click Configure, click Connect To, and then click New.

  3. Ensure that Modem is selected, and then click OK.

  4. In the Connection name field, type a description.

  5. Click the country code, and then type the area code and phone number for the gateway to your GroupWise system.

  6. Type the gateway login ID.

  7. Click Password, type the gateway password, click OK, retype the password, and then click OK.

  8. Click the Advanced tab.

  9. If your modem requires a script, click Edit Script, and then specify the necessary When Given and Respond With commands.

    To save the script without changing its file name, click Save, and then click Close.


    To save the script with a new file name, click Save As, and then click Close.

  10. To retrieve an existing script file, click Folder icon, select the script file, and then click Open.

  11. Click a disconnect method.

  12. In the Attempts field, specify the number of times to redial if the line is busy.

  13. In the Retry interval field, specify the time interval between each redial attempt.

  14. Click OK, and then click Close.

Creating a TCP/IP Connection

To create a TCP/IP connection:

  1. In Remote mode, click Accounts > Send/Retrieve > GroupWise Options.

  2. Click Configure, click Connect To, and then click New.

  3. Click TCP/IP, and then click OK.

  4. Type a descriptive name for the TCP/IP connection.

  5. Type the IP address and port information provided by your GroupWise administrator.

    Instead of an IP address, you can also type the DNS (Domain Name System) hostname in the IP Address field. Check with your GroupWise administrator.

  6. Click a disconnect method, click OK, and then click Close.

Creating a Network Connection

To create a network connection:

  1. In Remote mode, click Accounts > Send/Retrieve > GroupWise Options.

  2. Click Configure, click Connect To, and then click New.

  3. Click Network, and then click OK.

  4. Type a descriptive name for the network connection.

  5. Type the path to any post office directory in your GroupWise system.

    Contact your GroupWise administrator for the path to your post office. You can also connect to any post office in your GroupWise system to access your Online Mailbox. You do not need to connect to the post office containing your Online Mailbox.

  6. Click a disconnect method, click OK, and then click Close.

Copying a Remote Connection

  1. In Remote mode, click Accounts > Send/Retrieve > GroupWise Options.

  2. Click Configure, click Connect To, click the connection, and then click Copy.

  3. Modify the connection, and then click OK.

Editing a Remote Connection

To edit a remote connection:

  1. In Remote mode, click Accounts > Send/Retrieve > GroupWise Options.

  2. Click Configure, click Connect To, click the connection, and then click Edit.

  3. Make the necessary changes, and then click OK.

Deleting a Remote Connection

To delete a remote connection:

  1. In Remote mode, click Accounts > Send/Retrieve > GroupWise Options.

  2. Click Configure, click Connect To, and then click the connection.

  3. Click Delete, and then click Yes.

Specifying Your Remote Location

To specify your remote location:

  1. In Remote mode, click Accounts > Send/Retrieve > GroupWise Options, and then click Configure.

  2. To select your remote location, click the Connecting from drop-down list, and then click the remote location.

  3. To change the dialing properties of your modem, click Connect From, specify changes in the Dialing Properties dialog box, and then click OK.

For help on specifying dialing properties, see your Windows documentation.

76.1.4 Specifying Remote Properties

You can change the way Remote mode is set up (including your connection), time zone, how often to send and retrieve items, system information, delete options, signature, and so forth, in Remote Properties. For information about changing your connections, see Configuring Your Remote Connections.

Specifying Time Zone Settings

The items in your Calendar are scheduled according to the time zone settings in the Windows Date/Time Properties. You can access this dialog box in Remote Properties on the Server tab. If you use GroupWise in another time zone, you can change to that new time zone so that your scheduled items reflect the time zone difference.

Typically, if you’re leaving your office for several days, you will use your Calendar information to attend and schedule appointments. Therefore, you need to use the local time zone. However, if you’re leaving your office for a short time, (for example, a day), you will probably keep the same time zone as your GroupWise system.

If you change the time zone settings, be sure to change your computer’s clock to match the new time zone.

  1. In Remote mode, click Tools > Options, and then double-click Accounts (Remote).

  2. Click the remote account, click Properties, and then click the Server tab.

  3. Click Time Zone, click the current time zone, and then click OK.

  4. Click Time Zone, click the Date & Time tab, change your computer’s clock to match the new time zone, and then click OK.

For more information about using Date/Time Properties, see your Windows documentation.

Sending and Retrieving Items at Regular Intervals

To send and receive items in regular intervals:

  1. In Remote mode, click Tools > Options, and then double-click Accounts (Remote).

  2. Ensure that the remote account is marked with a check mark.

  3. Click General Options.

  4. Select Send/Retrieve All Marked Accounts every __ minutes, and then specify the number of minutes.

  5. Click OK.

For this option to work, your computer must stay connected to the network or phone line, depending on the connection you’re using.

To quickly turn this option on and off, click Accounts > Auto Send/Retrieve. It is active when a check mark is displayed.

Specifying User and System Information for Your Remote Mailbox

To specify user and system information for your remote mailbox:

  1. In Remote mode, click Tools > Options, double-click Accounts (Remote), and then click General Options.

  2. In the Display name field, type your first and last name.

    The name is used as your user folder name.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Click the remote account, click Properties, and then click the Server tab.

  5. Type your GroupWise user name.

  6. Type the domain name of your Online Mailbox.

  7. Type the post office name of your Online Mailbox.

  8. To change the password for your Online Mailbox, click Online Mailbox Password, type your Online Mailbox password, and then click OK. Specify the new password in both fields, and then click OK.

    If your administrator has turned on LDAP authentication, read and follow the additional information about your Online Mailbox password that is provided in this dialog box.

    Your Online Mailbox must have a password before you can use Remote mode. If you have not assigned a password to your Online Mailbox, do so in Security Options while running GroupWise in your office.

Changing Remote Delete Options

By default, if you delete an item from your Remote Mailbox, the item is deleted from your Online mailbox the next time you connect. You can change the deletion options in Remote Properties so that an item that is deleted from your Remote Mailbox stays in your Online mailbox or vice versa.

  1. Click Tools > Options, and then double-click Accounts (Remote).

  2. Click the remote account, click Properties, and then click the Advanced tab.

  3. Make your changes, and then click OK.

NOTE:This process does not apply to Caching mode. GroupWise automatically synchronizes the deletions between the Online and Caching modes.

Changing Your Signature

The signature you specify for Remote mode is the same signature that is used for Online mode. You can specify this signature in Remote Properties.

  1. Click Tools > Options, and then double-click Accounts (Remote).

  2. Click the remote account, click Properties, and then click the Signature tab.

  3. Change your signature text.

  4. Click OK.

For more information, see Adding a Signature or vCard.