20.13 Sending Email with Mail Merge

You can use Mail Merge in GroupWise to send bulk, personalized emails to other users. This means that you can use address book fields in your emails to have a personalized email sent to multiple users while only composing one email. There are two ways to do Mail Merge: in the GroupWise client or in Microsoft Word with a GroupWise personal address book.

20.13.1 Using GroupWise Mail Merge

To use Mail Merge in the GroupWise client:

  1. While composing an email in the GroupWise client, click Tools > Mail Merge > Insert Address Field in the compose window to insert field from the address book in the email you are composing. The field include name, address, phone number, office, etc.

  2. Once you have added fields, click Tools > Mail Merge > Preview in the compose window to view the email with the fields filled in for each user you are sending the email to.

  3. Click Send to send the email. An individual email is sent to each user in the list.

20.13.2 Using Microsoft Word Mail Merge

To use Mail Merge in Microsoft Word you must have the GroupWise client installed on the machine:

IMPORTANT:Mail Merge only works with a 32 bit version of Microsoft Word. The 64 bit version of Microsoft Word does not have the GroupWise Mail / Merge Interface option.

  1. In Microsoft Word, click the Mailings tab.

  2. Select the GroupWise personal address book you want to use by clicking Select Recipients > Use and Existing List > New Source > Other/Advanced > GroupWise Mail / Merge Interface, and then click Okay.

    Microsoft Word connects to the GroupWise client and finds your personal address books.

  3. Select the personal address book you want to use and click Finish.

    You can now compose a message to send to the member of the GroupWise personal address book.