20.5 Spell Checking Messages

There are two ways to spell check the items you send. Both features check for misspelled words, duplicate words, and irregular capitalization in items you are creating. Each feature has advantages in different situations.

20.5.1 Using Quick Speller

Quick Speller checks the spelling as you type, and underlines the words that are spelled incorrectly. When Quick Speller finds a misspelled word, you can replace it with a word that Quick Speller suggests or skip the word whenever it appears in that message. You can also add the word to a user word list.

Enabling Quick Speller by Default

To set Quick Speller as the default:

  1. Click Tools > Options.

  2. Double-click Environment, and then click the General tab.

  3. Select Check spelling as you type, and then click OK.

    Deselect this option to disable Quick Speller.

Spell Checking with Quick Speller

To correct or otherwise spell check a word with the red wavy line:

  1. Right-click the misspelled word in the Subject or Message field.

  2. Click the correctly spelled word.


    Click Skip Always to skip the word in the rest of the message.


    Click Add to Word List to add the word to your word list.

Disabling Quick Speller as You Compose an Email

To disable Quick Speller as you compose an email:

  1. Right-click in the Subject or Message field.

  2. Click Disable Quick Speller.

    To re-enable Quick Speller, right-click in the Subject or Message field, and then click Enable Quick Speller.

HINT:You can also enable/disable Quick Speller at any time in the Compose Options slide-out.

20.5.2 Using Spell Checker

You run Spell Checker separately, either manually or by selecting to have it run when you click Send. When Spell Checker finds a misspelled word, you can replace it with a word Spell Checker suggests, edit the word manually, or skip the word. You can also define an automatic replacement for the word, or add the word to a user word list. You use Environment Options or the Compose Options slide-out to set up Spell Checker to automatically spell check your messages before you send them.

Spell Checking an Item with Spell Checker

If you are using an editor other than GroupWise, spell checking is performed by the editor’s spell checker. See the application’s help for additional information on spell checking.

  1. Click the Subject or Message field.


    Select the text to spell check.

  2. Click Tools > Spell Check.

  3. To specify a range of text to check, click the Check drop-down list and select an option.

  4. When Spell Checker stops on a word, click any of the available options, or edit the word manually.

    You can choose from the following options:

    Replace: Replaces a misspelled word with a word Spell Checker suggests. To replace a misspelled word, double-click the word or select the word and click Replace. To make your own corrections, edit the word in the Replace with field, and then click Replace.

    Skip Once: Skips the word one time. Spell Checker stops the next time it encounters the word.

    Skip Always: Skips every occurrence of the word throughout the document. Spell Checker ignores the word until the next time you spell check.

    Add: Adds the word to the current user word list, which stores supplemental words so that Spell Checker can recognize the word in future spell checks.

    QuickCorrect: Defines an automatic replacement for a word or phrase. When Spell Checker stops on a word, click QuickCorrect to replace the word with the text in the Replace with field and add the replacement to the user word list that QuickCorrect uses. Next time you type the word, QuickCorrect automatically replaces it.

  5. Click Yes when spell checking is complete.

Spell Checking Items Automatically with Spell Checker

You can set GroupWise to automatically spell check items every time you click Send.

  1. Click Tools > Options.

  2. Double-click Environment, and then click the General tab.

  3. Select the check box for Check Spelling as you type and Check spelling before send, and then click OK.

Configuring Spell Checker

You can modify the types of words the Spell Checker considers misspelled.

  1. When the Spell Checker stops on a misspelled word, click Options.

  2. Select or deselect the following options:

    • Check words with numbers

    • Check duplicate words

    • Prompt before auto replacement

  3. Continue with spell checking as usual.

Selecting the Spell Checker Language

To set the Spell Checker language:

  1. Click the Subject field or the Message field.


    Select the text to spell check.

  2. Click Tools > Speller Language.

  3. Select the language to use, and then click OK.

Adding a New Spell Checker Language

Multiple Spell Checker dictionaries can be included when the GroupWise client is installed. To see a list of Spell Checker language dictionaries that can be added, see GroupWise User Languages in the GroupWise Administration Guide.

In some circumstances, you might need to add a Spell Checker dictionary for a language that is not included with your installation of the GroupWise client. The GroupWise Spell Checker supports Hunspell/Myspell-compatible language dictionaries. Each language dictionary consists of two files with identical file names: one ending with .aff extension, and the other with .dic extension.

To add a new language dictionary to the GroupWise Spell Checker:

  1. Download the language dictionary files.

    For example, language dictionaries can be found at the following websites:

  2. Copy the .aff and .dic files into the GroupWise dictionaries directory, located at:

    64-bit Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Novell\GroupWise\dictionaries

    32-bit Windows: C:\Program Files\Novell\GroupWise\dictionaries

  3. (Optional) Create a .txt file in the dictionaries directory, with the same name as the new dictionary files.

    Open the .txt file, type the name you would like the new dictionary to have when it appears in the Spell Checker menu, and then save the file.

  4. Restart the GroupWise client.

  5. When the GroupWise client restarts, click New Mail in the Main Window.

  6. Select the message body, and then click Tools > Speller Language.

  7. From the drop-down menu, select your new Speller language.

    If you did not create a custom name for your new language in Step 3, the new dictionary name will appear in the country/dialect code format.

  8. Click OK.