20.2 Working with Sent Items

You can track status information about an item in the Sent Items folder. Usually, this option is turned on by default to track delivered and opened information. If you choose not to add items to the Sent Items list, GroupWise cannot track any information for them.

20.2.1 Listing Sent Items

You might want to display items you previously sent. For example, you can read a sent item, resend it with or without corrections, and in some cases retract it (if it has not already been opened by the recipient).

To see Sent items, click the Sent Items folder in the Nav Bar.

The icons next to an item can also give you helpful status information. See Identifying Icons That Appear Next to Items.

All sent items reside in this folder unless they are moved to a folder other than the Mailbox or Calendar. If a sent item is moved to another folder, it no longer displays in the Sent Items folder. To display sent items that have been moved to other folders, open those folders.

If you are sending messages to non-GroupWise systems, remember that those systems must have status tracking capability in order to return the status of your outgoing message to your GroupWise system.

20.2.2 Displaying Sent Item Properties

The Properties window lets you check the status of any item you send. For example, you can see when an item was delivered and when the recipient opened or deleted the item. If a recipient accepted or declined an appointment and included a comment, you see the comment in the Properties window. You also see whether a recipient marked a task Completed.

The Properties window also shows information about items you receive. You can see who else received the item (except for blind copy recipients), the size and creation date of attached files, and more.

Understanding Sent Item Properties

There are three views for the properties:

Basic Properties: Displays the Properties header and a list of recipients. The list of recipients displays the recipient’s name, what actions the recipient has taken with the item, and any comments.

Simplified Properties: Displays the Properties header and a list of recipients. The recipients are listed in groups according to what action they have taken with the item. The list of recipients displays the recipient’s name, what actions the recipient has taken with the item, and any comments.

Advanced Properties: Displays the Properties header, recipients, Post Offices, files, and options for the item. The Advanced Properties page is helpful to GroupWise administrators when they need to track the item for troubleshooting purposes.

Viewing Sent Item Properties

To view properties for a sent item, in your Sent Items folder:

  1. Right-click an item.

  2. Click Properties.

  3. Scroll to the status information near the bottom of the Properties page.

The icons next to an item can also give you helpful status information. See Identifying Icons That Appear Next to Items.

If you are sending messages to non-GroupWise systems, remember that those systems must have status tracking capability in order to return the status of your outgoing message to your GroupWise system.

Saving the Status Information of an Item

To save Status information for an item:

  1. Right-click an item, and then click Properties.

  2. Click File > Save As.

    GroupWise gives the item a temporary file name. You can change the file name and default folder.

  3. Click Save.

Printing the Status Information of an Item

To print Status information for an item:

  1. Right-click an item, and then click Properties.

  2. Right-click in the Properties window, and then click Print.

20.2.3 Setting the Sent Items Default View Action

When you double-click an item in the Sent Items folder, you can choose whether the message or the item properties are displayed.

  1. Click Tools > Options.

  2. Double-click Environment, and then click the Default Actions tab.

  3. Select whether you want the sent item to Open item or Show properties.

  4. Click OK.

20.2.4 Configuring Sent Item Information to Track

To configure Sent item information to track:

  1. To change the sent information to track for an item, open a new item, and then click Send Options > Status Tracking.


    To change the sent information to track for all items you send, click Tools > Options, double-click Send, and then click the tab for the Mail.

    IMPORTANT:The Create a sent item to track information option is selected by default. It is highly recommended that you do not deselect it. If this option is not selected, no sent item is created when you send an item; therefore, you do not have a copy of the items you send unless you save them yourself.

  2. Select the information to track:

    Delivered: Tracks when an item you have sent was delivered to a user’s mailbox.

    Delivered and opened: Tracks when an item you have sent was delivered and when it was opened by the recipient.

    All information: Provides applicable Tracking status for items that you send, which may include any of the following:



    Third-Party Downloaded






    Transfer Delayed



    Transfer Failed




  3. (Optional) Decide whether you want to select Auto-delete sent item. This removes sent items from your mailbox after all the recipients have deleted the items and emptied them from their Trash.

  4. Return to the item you are composing.


    Select the information to track for each item type, click OK, and then click Close to save the setting for all items.