56.3 Using Operators in Advanced Finds and Rules

When you use Advanced Find, as described in Composing an Advanced Find, the Advanced Find dialog box appears. Select the field in the first drop-down list, and then select the operator from the Operator drop-down list Operator List icon. The available operators depend on the field you have selected in the first drop-down list.

When you select a field that allows you to type text, such as Subject, the following operators are available:

  • Contains

  • Does Not Contain

  • Begins With

  • Matches

  • Not Equal To

The wildcard characters and switches that these text-based operators support differ depending on the operator. For more information, see Using Wildcard Characters and Switches in Advanced Finds and Rules.

For more information about each text-based operator and the results they include, as well as all other operators, see the following table:



Result Includes

= Equal To

Item Type = Mail

Only mail messages.

! Not Equal To

Item Type ! Appointment

All item types except appointments.

Searches on individual characters. Supports * and ? wildcards. You can include punctuation, white space, and parts of words.

< Less Than

Number Accepted < 4

Items that fewer than 4 recipients accepted.

<= Less Than or Equal To

Number Accepted <= 4

Items that 4 or fewer recipients accepted.

> Greater Than

Number Read > 6

Items that more than 6 recipients read.

>= Greater Than or Equal To

Number Read >= 6

Items that 6 or more recipients read.

= Equal to Field

Number Accepted = Total Recipients

Items where the number of recipients who accepted equals the total number of recipients.

! Not Equal to Field

Number Read ! Number Accepted

Items where the number of recipients who read the item is not equal to the number of recipients who accepted.

< Less Than Field

Number Opened < Total Recipients

Items where the number of recipients who opened the item is less than the total number of recipients.

<= Less Than or Equal to Field

Number Opened <= Total Recipients

Items where the number of recipients who opened the item is less than or equal to the total number of recipients.

> Greater Than Field

Number Opened > Number Deleted

Items in which the number of recipients who have opened the item is greater than the number of recipients who have deleted the item.

>= Greater Than or Equal to Field

Number Opened >= Number Deleted

Items where the number of recipients who have opened the item is greater than or equal to the number of recipients who have deleted the item.

[ ] Includes

Item Status [ ] Completed

Items that have been completed.

! Does Not Include

Item Status ! Accepted

Items that have not been accepted.

[ ] Contains

From [ ] Bill

Items where the From field contains "Bill," such as items from Bill Jones, Bill Smith, and so on.

Searches on entire words. Does not support * and ? wildcard characters. However, does support AND, OR, and NOT switches (with their corresponding punctuation &, |, and !). Quotation marks surrounding a phrase searches for the complete phrase. All other punctuation is ignored. White space is considered an AND.

[x] Does Not Contain

From [x] Bill

Items where the From field does not contain “Bill,” such as items from Bill Jones, Bill Smith, and so on.

Searches on entire words. Does not support * and ? wildcard characters. However, does support AND, OR, and NOT switches (with their corresponding punctuation &, |, and !). Quotation marks surrounding a phrase searches for the complete phrase. All other punctuation is ignored. White space is considered an AND.

|-> Begins With

To |-> cli

Items where the To field begins with “cli” such as “Client Group” or “Clive Winters.”

Searches on individual characters. Supports * and ? wildcard characters. You can include punctuation, white space, and parts of words.

= Matches

Subject = customer reports

Items where the Subject field reads “Customer Reports.”

Searches on individual characters. Supports * and ? wildcard characters. You can include punctuation, white space, and parts of words. For example, with the Subject field, you can use the Matches operator and search for *report* and find the subject Customer Reports.

= On

Created = Today

Items that were sent today.

>= On or After

Created >= Yesterday

Items that were sent yesterday or later.

> After

Created > Yesterday

Items that were sent later than but not including yesterday.

< Before

Due/End Date < Tomorrow

Tasks that are due before tomorrow.

<= On or Before

Due/End Date <= Tomorrow

Tasks that are due tomorrow or earlier.

-> Within

Due/End Date -> 3 Day

Tasks that are due between and including today and three days after today.

<- Previous

Due/End Date <- 3 Day

Tasks that were due between and including today and three days before today.

= On Date

Created = 5/29/24

Items that were created on May 29, 2024.

> After Date

Created > 5/29/24

Items that were created after May 29, 2024.

>= On or After Date

Created >= 5/29/24

Items that were created on or after May 29, 2024.

< Before Date

Created < 5/29/24

Items that were created before May 29, 2024.

<= On or Before Date

Created <= 5/29/24

Items that were created on or before May 29, 2024.