13.5 Customizing Folder Display Settings

Display settings determine how GroupWise displays the information in a particular folder. For example, the Home folder has a default display setting that includes the Folder List and panels. These settings are saved in the GroupWise database, so they follow you from machine to machine. You can select from a list of default preconfigured display settings or customize your own display settings.

13.5.1 Understanding Basic Folder Display Settings

You can view the items in your Mailbox in different ways, depending on how you want the information organized.

  1. Click the Settings button in the top right of the Nav Bar and select <Folder Name> Display Settings. For example, Mailbox Display Settings.

  2. In the View Settings tab, select the display setting from the View by drop-down list.

    You can select from the following settings:

  3. Click Close, to save any changes.


Details displays a list of your items and information about them organized in columns, including Subject, Date, CC, Priority, Document Type, Due Date, Size, Version#, and many other categories. Details is the default Mailbox view if you have not changed your Mailbox properties. For information about adding or rearranging columns, see Using Columns.

Discussion Thread

Discussion Threads shows the email discussion of an original item and all of its replies grouped in hierarchical order.

By default, only items that are received and only items that are in the folder are displayed in a discussion thread. are displayed in a discussion thread. You can add other types of items to the folder to be viewed in the discussion thread.


A panel displays a customized view of information in GroupWise. For example, the default Home view includes an Unread Messages panel, which displays a list of items you have not read. The Tasklist panel is another default panel on the Home view. The Tasklist panel displays items that are in your Tasklist folder.

As Calendar

The As Calendar view displays all scheduled items that are saved in a particular folder. This is useful if you organize all your appointments and other items for a specific project in one folder.

As Tasklist

The As Tasklist view displays a Tasklist area at the top of your Item List, where you can create a Tasklist from items in your Item List. Each item that is dragged to the Tasklist area displays with a check box so that you can mark it completed. You can assign due dates, priorities, and more to Tasklist items. Any items you move to the Tasklist area also display in the Tasklist folder in the Folder List.

For more information about creating a Tasklist, see Assigning a Task.

13.5.2 Changing or Deleting Folder Display Settings

You can control the name that appears in the Display drop-down list, the source of the items in the folder, the column display, and the order in which items sort in the folder. The display settings are set at the folder level. If you want to use the same display settings for multiple folders, save the display settings, and then use that display setting for the other folders.

  1. Click the Settings button in the top right of the Nav Bar and select <Folder Name> Display Settings.

  2. Modify applicable settings in the tabs shown:

    • View Settings

    • Filter Settings

    • Folder List & QV Settings

  3. Click Close to save your changes.

    NOTE:You can modify settings in more than one tab when saving your changes.

13.5.3 Saving Your Display Settings

After you have customized your display settings the way you like them, you can save those display settings for future use. The display settings are saved in the GroupWise database so they follow you from machine to machine.

To save your display settings, click View > Display Settings > Save Current.

13.5.4 Sending a Display Setting

You can send a display setting as an attachment to email recipients. If the recipient is a GroupWise user, he or she can then import the setting and select it from a list of available display settings. This is helpful, for example, when you want your entire company to have the same layout for the Home folder.

The display settings are sent as an attachment with the file format of .gws.

  1. Select the folder that you want to send the display settings for.

  2. Click View > Display Settings > Send Current.

    An email message appears with the settings as an attachment.

  3. In the To box, type a user name, and then press Enter. Repeat for additional users. If necessary, click to add the Cc or Bc boxes, and then type user names in the CC and BC boxes.


    To select user names from a list, click Address on the toolbar, double-click each user, and then click OK.

  4. To change the From name (to another account or proxy), click From:, and then click a name.

  5. Type a subject.

  6. Type a message.

    You can specify many options, such as making this message a high priority, requesting a reply from the recipients, and more, by clicking the Send Options tab.

  7. Click Send on the toolbar.

13.5.5 Importing a Display Setting

You can import a GroupWise display setting from another GroupWise system, even if you are not on the same system. This is helpful, for example, when you want your entire company to have the same layout for the Home folder.

You must have a message that contains an attachment with the file format of .gws.

  1. In a message that contains a GroupWise display settings attachment, right-click the attachment in the attachment window.

  2. Click Import Display Settings.

    The display setting is added to your list of available display settings. For information on how to select a display setting, see Changing or Deleting Folder Display Settings.

13.5.6 Copying Folder Display Settings

GroupWise enables you to copy folder settings to other folders. You can select one or more folder display settings to copy to one or more target folders. You can easily copy the folder display settings to all folders of the same type or all subfolders of the current folder. When you create a new folder, it will automatically inherit the display settings from it's parent.

To copy folder settings to another folder:

  1. Open the folder Display Settings from the settings menu at the top right.

  2. Select Apply to other folders.

  3. Select the settings you want to copy to other folder (the settings are highlighted when you select them).

  4. Select to apply the settings to all child folders, all folder of the same type, or manually select the folders you want to copy the settings to and click Apply.