13.7 Using Shared Folders

13.7.1 Understanding Shared Folders

A shared folder is like any other folder in your Cabinet, except other people have access to it and it also appears in their Cabinets. You can create shared folders or share existing personal folders in your Cabinet. You choose whom to share the folder with, and what rights to grant each user. Then, users can post messages to the shared folder, drag existing items into the folder, and create discussion threads.

When you share a folder, all subfolders are automatically shared by default. The maximum amount of subfolders that can included in a single shared folder is 400.

NOTE:When you share all sub-folders, you are the only person who can add additional shared folders to the shared folder tree.

You cannot share system folders, which includes the Mailbox, Calendar, Documents, Sent Items, Tasklist, Contacts, Cabinet, Work In Progress, Junk Mail, and Trash folders.

If you place a document in a shared folder, people with rights to the shared folder do not automatically have rights to edit the document. Before they can edit the document, you must give them Edit rights on the Document Sharing tab.

You can share personal folders with other users. Recipients of the shared folder receive a notification explaining that you have shared the folder with them. They can then accept the folder or decline the folder.

In Remote and Caching modes, changes in shared folders are updated whenever you connect to the master GroupWise system.

13.7.2 Sharing an Existing Folder or Folder Tree with Other Users

To share an existing folder or folder tree with other users:

  1. In the Folder List, right-click the folder you want to share, and then click Sharing.

  2. Select Shared with.

  3. In the Name field, start typing the name of a user, or click the Address Book button to select the user from the Address Selector dialog box.

  4. When the user’s name appears in the field, click Add User to move the user into the Share list.

  5. Click the user’s name in the Share list.

  6. Select the access options you want for the user.

  7. Repeat Step 3 through Step 6 for each user you want to share the folder with.

  8. (Optional) Leave Share all sub-folders selected if you want all subfolders of the folder that you’re sharing to also be shared. Users have the same access rights to subfolders as they do in the parent folder.

    NOTE:When you share all sub-folders, you are the only person who can add additional shared folders to the shared folder tree.

  9. Click OK.

If you want the folder to have a specific function, you can create a new display setting. For example, if the folder is for shared discussions, you should create a setting that views items by reply thread and contains both sent and received items. Right-click the folder, click Properties, and then click Display.

13.7.3 Creating a Shared Folder

To create a shared folder:

  1. In the Folder List, click File > New > Folder.

  2. Select Shared folder, and then click Next.

  3. Type a name and description for the new folder.

  4. Click Up, Down, Right, or Left to position the folder where you want it in the Folder List, and then click Next.

  5. In the Name field, start typing the name of the user.

  6. When the user’s name appears in the field, click Add User to move the user into the Share List.

  7. Click the user’s name in the Share List.

  8. Select the access options you want for the user.

  9. Repeat Step 5 through Step 8 for each user you want to share the folder with.

  10. Click Next.

  11. Specify the display settings you want for the folder.

  12. Click Finish.

For more information, see Using Shared Folders.

13.7.4 Accepting Shared Folders

To accept a folder that is shared to you:

  1. Click the Shared Folder Notification in your Mailbox.

    A message appears, showing the name of the folder you have been granted rights to and the type of rights you have been given.

  2. Click Next.

  3. The name of the folder is filled in by default. Make any desired changes to the name.

  4. Use the Up, Down, Left, and Right buttons to select the folder’s location.

  5. Click Finish.

13.7.5 Posting an Item to a Shared Folder

To post an item to a shared folder:

  1. Click the shared folder in your Folder List to open it.

  2. Click File > New > Discussion/Note.

    If you want to post a different type of item, such as a task, click Edit > Change To, and then click an item type.

  3. Type a subject.

  4. Type your message.

  5. Click Attach to attach files.

  6. Click Post on the toolbar.

To reply to an existing item in a shared folder, open the item, click Reply, select a reply option, and then click OK. See Replying to an Email in a Shared Folder for more information.

13.7.6 Viewing Discussion Threads in a Shared Folder

To view the discussion thread in a shared folder:

  1. In a shared folder, click View > Display Settings > Discussion Threads.

  2. To expand or collapse a discussion thread, click the - and + next to the original discussion item.

  3. To scroll through different discussions, press Ctrl+Left-arrow or Ctrl+Right-arrow.

13.7.7 Transferring Ownership of a Shared Folder

To transfer ownership of a shared folder:

  1. Right-click the shared folder, and then click Sharing.

  2. Click Transfer Ownership.

  3. Select the new owner of the shared folder, change the subject and message whether you want to be kept as a participant.

    When you click Send, the new owner receives a notification that they are now the owner of the shared folder.

13.7.8 Deleting a Shared Folder

To delete a folder that is shared with you:

  1. Right-click the folder.

  2. Click Delete.

  3. Click Yes.

Deleting a folder that is shared with you deletes the folder from your GroupWise Mailbox only. All other users are unaffected. However, if you are the one who shared the folder with others, deleting that folder also removes it from all other users.