50.2 Tracking Task Completion

When you finish a task, you can mark it as complete. Tasks you mark as complete are not carried over to the next day on your Calendar. Completed tasks are distinguished by a check mark in your Calendar. Overdue tasks display in red.

If you mark a task as complete and then realize you left some part of it incomplete, you can unmark it. Unmarked tasks display on the current day in your Calendar.

When you mark a task as complete, GroupWise sends a notification to the originator of the task if he or she selected return notification in Send Options. A Completed status, including the date and time the task was marked as complete, is placed in the originator’s Properties window.

50.2.1 Marking an Item as Complete

To mark an item as complete:

  1. Click the Calendar icon on the Nav Bar.

    Tasks can also be marked as completed in the Tasklist folder.

  2. With the task pane displayed, select the check box next to the task.

    To unmark a task that has been marked as completed, deselect the marked check box next to the task.

50.2.2 Checking the Completion Status of a Task You Sent

To check the completion status of a task you sent:

  1. Click the Sent Items folder in the Nav Bar.

    If you also assigned the task to yourself, you can find it in the Calendar or in the Tasklist folder.

  2. Open the task you want to check.

  3. Click the Properties tab.