WebAccess Configurations

A basic installation of GroupWise WebAccess requires the WebAccess Agent and the WebAccess Application, as shown in the following diagram. The WebPublisher Application is also required if you plan to use GroupWise WebPublisher.

A basic installation of GroupWise WebAccess

Depending on your needs, it might be necessary for you to add additional WebAccess Agents or to have multiple Web servers running the WebAccess Application and WebPublisher Application.

Multiple WebAccess Agents

GroupWise WebAccess is designed to allow one installation of the WebAccess Application and WebPublisher Application to support multiple WebAccess Agents, as shown in the following diagram.

Multiple WebAccess Agents

There are various reasons why you might want to add additional WebAccess Agents, including:

Multiple WebAccess and WebPublisher Applications

As with the WebAccess Agent, you can also install the WebAccess Application and WebPublisher Application to multiple Web servers, as shown in the following diagram.

The WebAccess Application and WebPublisher application installed to multiple Web servers

Some reasons for wanting to use this type of configuration include:

If necessary, you can use multiple WebAccess Agents in this configuration, as shown below.

The WebAccess Application on one Web server, and the WebPublisher Application on another Web server