The WebAccess Application includes a Web console, similar to the WebAccess Agent's Web console, that you can use to monitor it. The Web console lets you see information about logged in users, such as their IP address, their GroupWise and Web browser versions, and the WebAccess Agent providing mailbox access. In addition, you can view the WebAccess Application's log files and configuration files, and view Java information such as the version and classpath settings.
The following sections provide information to help you use the Web console:
Open the webacc.cfg file, located in the WebAccess Application's home directory (novell\webaccess on the Web server or /opt/novell/groupwise/webaccess on Linux).
Locate the following lines in the file:
Enable the Web console by changing the FALSE entry to TRUE:
If desired, change the default username and password. A username and password is required.
Save the file.
Restart the Java servlet engine.
In a Web browser, enter the following URL:
NetWare or Windows: http://server_address/servlet/webacc?action=Admin.Open
Linux: http://server_address/gw/webacc?action=Admin.Open
where server_address is the Web server's IP address or DNS hostname.
When prompted, enter the username and password.
The Web console is displayed.
The Web console information is organized into three main pages:
The Status page, shown below, is the initial page that is displayed when you log in to the Web console. It provides information about the users who are currently logged in to GroupWise WebAccess.
Refresh: Click the Refresh option to refresh the status information.
Up Time: Displays the number of days, hours, and minutes since the WebAccess Application started.
User Information: Displays information for the users currently logged in to GroupWise WebAccess. Each column is described below. Click a column heading to sort on that column.
When you click a user's address in the User ID column, the following expanded User Information page is displayed.
The User ID, Logged In, Last Access, Client IP, and Browser fields contain the same information that is displayed on the Status page. The following fields contain additional information not provided on the Status page.
Language: Displays the WebAccess language used.
Source: Displays the WebAccess templates used.
WebAccess Agents: Displays the WebAccess Agents available to the user and each agent's status.
The Configuration page, shown below, displays the WebAccess Application's version and Java information and lets you view the WebAccess Application configuration files.
General Information: Displays the WebAccess Application's version number and date.
Java Information: Displays the Java vendor, version, and classpath information. You can click the link in the Java Configuration File field to open the configuration file for viewing. This is a view only option; you cannot make changes to the file.
Novell GroupWise WebAccess Application Configuration Information: Displays the configuration files used by the WebAccess Application. You can click the link for a file to open it for viewing. This is a view only option; you cannot make changes to the file.