Creating External Domains for Both Systems

This section applies only if the systems you are merging are not already connected through external domains (worksheet item 4).

Both the Site #1 and Site #2 administrators must create an external domain to represent the domain structure in the corresponding system. In other words, if you are the Site #1 administrator, you will create Site #2 external domains in your system to represent the domains in Site #2. If you are the Site #2 administrator, you will create Site #1 external domains in your system to represent the domains in Site #1.

Refer to the appropriate section for instructions:

Creating Site #1 External Domains in Site #2

  1. In ConsoleOne®, make sure you are connected to the Site #2 GroupWise system (worksheet item 7).

  2. Right-click GroupWise System in the GroupWise View, then click New > External Domain to display the Create External GroupWise Domain dialog box.

    Create External GroupWise Domain dialog box

  3. Fill in the fields:

    Domain Name: Enter the name of the Site #1 domain you are connecting to (worksheet item 8). This creates the external domain on Site #2. Names are not case-sensitive.

    Domain Database Location: Select the path to the Site #1 domain database (wpdomain.db) you will link to. ConsoleOne interprets a mapped location as a UNC path (worksheet item 6).

    Time Zone: Select the time zone where the Site #1 domain is physically located (worksheet item 9).

    Version: Select the database version for the Site #1 domain. The version is determined by the domain's MTA version.

    Link to Domain: Select the domain in Site #2 you want the external domain to link to. ConsoleOne creates a direct link to this domain (worksheet item 5 and worksheet item 10).

  4. Click Create to create the external domain and add it to the GroupWise View.

  5. Repeat Step 2 through Step 4 for every Site #1 external domain you need to create (worksheet item 12 and worksheet item 13).

Creating Site #2 External Domains in Site #1

You must also create a Site #2 external domain in Site #1.

  1. In ConsoleOne, make sure you are connected to the Site #1 GroupWise system (worksheet item 14 and worksheet item 15).

  2. Right-click GroupWise System in the GroupWise View, then click New > External Domain to display the Create External GroupWise Domain dialog box.

    Create External GroupWise Domain dialog box

  3. Fill in the fields:

    Domain Name: Enter the name of the Site #2 domain you are connecting to (worksheet item 5 and worksheet item 10). Names are not case sensitive.

    Domain Database Location: Select the path to the Site #2 domain database (wpdomain.db) you are connecting to. ConsoleOne will interpret a mapped location as a UNC path (worksheet item 15).

    Time Zone: Select the time zone where the external domain is physically located (worksheet item 17).

    Version: Select the database version for the Site #2 domain. The version is determined by the domain's MTA version.

    Link to Domain: Select the domain in your system you want the external domain linked to. The MTA for the Site #1 domain you specify will route messages to and from the external domain (worksheet item 14 and worksheet item 18).

  4. Click Create to create the external domain and add it to the GroupWise View.

  5. Repeat Step 2 through Step 4 for every Site #2 external domain you need to create (worksheet item 5 and worksheet item 10).