Select the GroupWise version that you want to determine GroupWise 7 compatibility with:
Table Summary: ConsoleOne with the GroupWise 7 snap-ins can be used to access GroupWise 6.x databases for domains and post office and GroupWise 6.x eDirectory objects. However, ConsoleOne with the GroupWise 6.x snap-ins cannot be used to access GroupWise 7 databases and GroupWise 7 eDirectory objects. The general rule is that later GroupWise snap-ins can administer earlier GroupWise system components, but earlier GroupWise snap-ins cannot administer later GroupWise system components.
Table Summary: GroupWise 6.x agents cannot access domain and post office databases that have been updated to GroupWise 7. When a GroupWise 7 MTA or POA accesses a GroupWise 6.x database, it automatically updates the database to GroupWise 7. Although most GroupWise 7/GroupWise 6.x agent combinations are supported, two combinations are not supported.
Table Summary: The GroupWise 6.x Windows client can communicate with the GroupWise 7 POA, but it cannot access a GroupWise 7 post office directly. The general rule is that later POAs can always communicate with earlier GroupWise clients, but earlier POAs cannot communicate with later GroupWise clients.
Table Summary: The GroupWise 7 Windows client cannot communicate with the GroupWise 6.x POA, nor can it access a GroupWise 6.x post office directly. The general rule is that earlier POAs cannot communicate with later GroupWise clients, but later POAs can always communicate with earlier GroupWise clients.
Table Summary: NetWare Administrator cannot be used to administer GroupWise 7 systems. ConsoleOne with the GroupWise 7 snap-ins can be used to administer GroupWise 5.x systems. The general rule is that later GroupWise snap-ins can administer earlier GroupWise system components, but earlier GroupWise snap-ins cannot administer later GroupWise system components.
Table Summary: GroupWise 5.x agents cannot access domain and post office databases that have been updated to GroupWise 7. When the GroupWise 7 MTA or POA accesses a GroupWise 5.x database, it automatically updates the database to GroupWise 7. Although most GroupWise 6.x/GroupWise 5.x agent combinations are supported, two combinations are not supported.
Table Summary: The GroupWise 5.x Windows client can communicate with the GroupWise 7 POA, but it cannot access a GroupWise 7 post office directly. The general rule is that later POAs can always communicate with earlier GroupWise clients, but earlier POAs cannot communicate with later GroupWise clients.
Table Summary: The GroupWise 7 Windows client cannot communicate with the GroupWise 5.x POA, nor can it access a GroupWise 5.x post office directly. The general rule is that earlier POAs cannot communicate with later GroupWise clients, but later POAs can always communicate with earlier GroupWise clients.