When you run GroupWise in Remote mode, you can connect to your Online GroupWise system through a modem connection, a network (direct) connection, or a TCP/IP connection. When you use Hit the Road to set up your Remote Mailbox, GroupWise creates the appropriate connections based on how you are currently running GroupWise. You can create new connections as well as change or delete existing ones.
You will most likely use Remote away from the office with a computer that has no permanent network access. In these situations, you can use a TCP/IP connection or a modem connection to connect to your GroupWise system. Modem connections dial into a gateway in your GroupWise system. TCP/IP connections use unique IP (Internet Protocol) address and port information to connect to your GroupWise system.
You can also use Remote in your office and connect to your GroupWise System via a TCP/IP connection or a network drive mapping. These connections are useful to download large quantities of information, such as your system address book.
For more information, see Section 9.8, Configuring Your Remote Connections.
If your remote connection is expensive, you can save money and connection time by connecting after peak business hours, downloading address books with a network connection prior to being on the road, restricting the messages you download, and waiting until you have a number of requests before connecting.