GroupWise is designed to function in a variety of environments. The GroupWise Windows client runs on the following platforms:
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Windows 7
The GroupWise Linux/Mac client runs on the following platforms:
Mac OS X for Intel
Mac OS X for PowerPC
In addition, GroupWise users can access their mailboxes without using a GroupWise client through the following applications:
GroupWise WebAccess (see WebAccess)
POP and IMAP clients such as Netscape Mail, Eudora Pro, Microsoft Outlook, Thunderbird, and Entourage
MAPI clients such as Microsoft Mail and cc:Mail
SOAP clients such as Evolution and many mobile devices, as well as the Novell Data Synchronizer Connector for GroupWise
Post offices can be located on the following platforms:
Novell NetWare
Windows Server
The GroupWise agents can run on the following platforms:
Novell NetWare
Windows Server
In general, GroupWise is most efficient if you match the agent platform with the network operating system, so the POA and the post office should be on the same platform, and the client should be on a compatible platform. Those with mixed networks might wonder what combinations are possible. You have several alternatives.
If your GroupWise users want to access their mailboxes through POP3, IMAP4, or SOAP clients, it makes no difference what platform their post offices are located on. However, users are limited to the client capabilities of their POP3, IMAP4, or SOAP clients.
If you install GroupWise WebAccess on a Web server, GroupWise users can still access their mailboxes through their browsers and with more native GroupWise features available. See WebAccess for more information.
The GroupWise 6.5 and later Windows client and the Linux/Mac client require Client/Server access mode. With this configuration, it makes no difference what platform users’ post offices are located on. The GroupWise client accesses the post office by communicating with the POA using TCP/IP, which is a platform-independent protocol.
The POA must have direct access to the post office directory. Therefore, the POA must be able to log in to the server where the post office is located and must be able to write to the databases and directories located in the post office.
Although the recommended configuration is for the POA and the post office to be on the same platform and preferably on the same server, some variation is possible. The table below summarizes the various combinations of POA and post office platforms and indicates which combinations work for direct access and which ones do not for GroupWise 8:
Table 35-1 POAs and Platforms Supported for Direct Access
NetWare POA |
Linux POA |
Windows POA |
Post Office on NetWare |
Yes |
Not supported1 |
Yes |
Post Office on Linux |
Not supported1 |
Yes |
Yes |
Post Office on Windows |
No2 |
Yes |
Yes |
Post Office on Macintosh |
No3 |
No3 |
No3 |