This sections contains information about the following driver components.
After you install Identity Manager and the driver, you create one or more Driver objects. Each Driver object represents an instance of the SAP User driver. The driver configuration file gets you up and running with a minimum of customization by letting you create a Driver object with preconfigured policies, filters, and driver parameters.
The driver configuration file is named SAPUser-IDM3_6_0-V3.xml.
The driver shim handles communication between the SAP User database and the Metadirectory engine.
In order to use the driver, you must download the SAP JCO and install it. The SAP User Java* Connector (JCO) Test utility enables you to check for JCO installation and configuration issues prior to configuring the driver. You can use the JCO test utility to validate correct installation of the JCO client and configuration issues prior to configuring the driver.
You can use the JCO test utility to validate correct installation of the JCO client and connectivity to the SAP host system, as well as testing for accessibility of the User Management BAPIs used by the driver.
The JCO2 test utility file name is UserJCO2Test.class.
The JCO3 test utility file name is UserJCO3Test.class.
For more information, refer to Section 4.0, Testing the SAP JCO Client Connection.