The following sections provide information about how the SOAP driver supports these standard driver features:
A local installation is an installation of the driver on the Metadirectory server. The SOAP driver can be installed on the operating systems supported for the Metadirectory server.
For information about the operating systems supported for the Metadirectory server, see Metadirectory Server
in System Requirements
in the Identity Manager 3.6.1 Installation Guide.
The SOAP driver can use the Remote Loader service to run on a server other than the Metadirectory server. The SOAP driver can be installed on the operating systems supported for the Remote Loader.
For information about the supported operating systems, see Remote Loader
in System Requirements
in the Identity Manager 3.6.1 Installation Guide.
The SOAP driver does not have entitlement functionality defined in the basic configuration files provided as examples. However, the driver does support entitlements, if there are policies created for the driver to consume.
The basic configuration files for the SOAP driver are capable of synchronizing passwords.
Unlike most other drivers, the SOAP driver was written to be compatible with specific protocols, rather than specific applictions. There are sample configurations for the SPML 1.0, SPML 2.0, and DSML 2.0 protocols. The driver contains the following features:
HTTP transport of data between the Identity Vault and a Web service
Example configurations for SPML and DSML
Customization of HTTP Request-Header fields
By default, a basic authorization request header with an ID and password is provided for the Subscriber channel.
SSL connections using the HTTPS protocol
Subscriber HTTP and HTTPS proxy servers
Definition and selection of multiple Subscriber connections in the policy at runtime
Potential to act as an HTTP or HTTPS listener for incoming connections on the publisher channel
Potential extensibility using customized Java* code
For more information, see Section B.0, Using Java Extensions.