The new driver shim is intended to work with your existing driver configuration, but this assumes that your driver shim and configuration have the latest fixes. Make sure you have reviewed all TIDs and product updates for the version of the driver you are using.
When you install Identity Manager 3, make sure you select the option to install the utilities (the default). This installs the
movecfg.exe utility that is necessary for upgrading, noted in Step 5. Instructions are in
Installing the Connected System Option on Windows
Installing the Connected System Option on UNIX/Linux
in the
Identity Manager 3.0.1 Installation Guide
You can also download the movecfg.exe file from the Utilities directory on the Identity_Manager_3_Linux_NW_Win.iso or the Identity_Manager_3_Unix.iso image CDs.
You can install the upgraded driver shim at the same time you install the Metadirectory engine, or after. To install the driver shim after, run the Identity Manager installation program and select the Identity Manager Driver for Notes (called
Notes.xml). Instructions are in
Installing Identity Manager
in the
Identity Manager 3.0.1 Installation Guide
The new driver shim replaces the previous one.
IMPORTANT:Running a new driver with a previous version of the Metadirectory engine is not supported.
Convert your existing configuration to 3.0 format, using the wizard. See
in the
Identity Manager 3.0.1 Installation Guide
Unload all instances of ndsrep from the Domino Server Console.
Use the movecfg.exe utility to upgrade the placement of configuration parameters, as described in Section A.0, Using the Movecfg.exe Utility.
You can use a batch file such as the example provided in Section A.2, Example Batch File to Use.
The movecfg.exe utility is installed in the \utilities directory if you select the option to install Utilities during Identity Manager installation.
For example, on Windows:
IMPORTANT:If you have multiple instances of ndsrep, you must run movecfg.exe once for each instance, using the -ndsrep parameter.
(Windows only) Copy the following files:
Manually copy ndsrep.exe from its installed location ( \novell\NDS) to the Domino server executable folder ( \Lotus\Domino).
Manually copy dsrepcfg.ntf from its installed location ( \novell\NDS) to the Domino server data folder ( \Lotus\Domino\Data).
On Linux and Solaris, the package install places it in the /usr/lib/dirxml/rules/notes folder and creates a symbolic link for it in the /local/notesdata folder.
Manually copy the Notes.jar file from the \Lotus\Domino directory to the \Novell\nds\lib directory (or the \novell\remote\loader\lib directory if running Remote Loader).
This is necessary for product updates as well as new releases.
If you have previously modified the Domino server’s notes.ini file ServerTasks line to auto-load ndsrep (as described in Loading and Controlling Ndsrep), you must add an instance name (by default, the driver name) as a parameter to ndsrep.
For example:
ServerTasks=Router,Replica,Update,Amgr,AdminP,maps, ndsrep notesdrv1,ndsrep notesdrv2
If you have multiple instances of ndsrep, you must do this for each instance. If the name of your driver includes spaces, then you must put quotes around the name.
For example, if the driver name is CN=Notes Driver, your notes.ini might look like the following:
ServerTasks=Router,Replica,Update,Amgr,AdminP,maps, ndsrep notesdrv1,ndsrep "Notes Driver"
Restart ndsrep, or restart the Domino server.
Stop and restart eDirectory™ and the driver for the system to use the new driver shim file.
At this point, the driver should work even though you have not made changes to the configuration other than converting it to Identity Manager 3 format.
If you want to make changes to the driver configuration, such as using named passwords or global configuration values (GCVs) for multiple certifiers, you can do so.
See Section 4.0, Customizing the Driver.
NOTE:For an example of the new parameters and new features such as named passwords, review the sample driver configuration.
If you are using Lotus Notes 6.0.3, and you want to use the AdminP process features, you need to turn them on by adding the driver parameter named Allow Domino AdminP Support to the Subscriber Options.
For example:
<allow-adminp-support display-name=”Allow Domino AdminP Support”>True</allow-adminp-support>
See Allow Domino AdminP Support in Section 4.4.2, Subscriber Options.
Consider adding the sample policy named Notes - Return Email Address ( NotesReturnEmail.xml) to your driver configuration, in the Command Transformation policy set on the Subscriber channel.
When a new user in the Identity Vault is synchronized to Notes, this policy is used to write back the Notes e-mail address to the Identity Vault. In 1. x versions of the driver, this functionality was done differently. If you want to continue to have this functionality with the 3.0 driver version, you must use the new policy.
See Importing a Policy to Write Back the Notes E-Mail Address for New Users.
Activate the driver. See Section 2.4.5, Activating the Driver.
When your changes are complete, restart the driver.
This policy is designed to generate an e-mail address for user Add events on the Subscriber channel. It provides backwards compatibility for functionality that existed in the previous version of the driver. In 1. x versions of the driver, this functionality was done differently.
If you want to continue to have this functionality when upgrading a driver configuration to the 3.0 driver version, you must use the new policy. (The policy is already a part of the sample configuration provided with the 2.1 version of the driver.)
The default form of the e-mail address provided by the policy is a concatenation of the Given Name, a space, the Surname, and domain name entered when importing the policy. For example: Joe The policy can be edited after import to customize the form of the e-mail address as needed.
In iManager, click
> .Select the driver set where your existing driver resides.
In the list of driver configurations that appears, scroll down to the
heading, then select only the item labeled . Click .A list of import prompts appears.
Select the name of your existing driver.
Specify the domain name to be used as the suffix for the e-mail address generated.
For example,
.A page appears with the message “A driver named
already exists in the driver set. Select one of the options below.”Select the following items:
, then click to complete the wizard.At this point, the new policy has been created as a policy object under the driver object, but is not yet part of the driver configuration. To link it in, you must manually insert it into a policy set.
Insert the new policy into the Command Transformation policy set on the Subscriber Channel.
> . Select the driver set for the driver you are updating.Click the driver you just updated. A page opens showing a graphical representation of the driver configuration.
Click the icon for the Command Transformation on the Subscriber channel.
to add the new policy. In the Insert page that appears, click , then browse for and select the new policy object. Click .If you have more than one policy in the policy set, use the arrow buttons
to move the new policy to the correct location in the list.
Stop the driver.
Install the new driver shim.
If you are using Lotus Notes 6.0.3 or later, and you want to use the AdminP process features, you need to turn them on by adding the driver parameter named Allow Domino AdminP Support to the Subscriber Options.
For example:
<allow-adminp-support display-name=”Allow Domino AdminP Support”>True</allow-adminp-support>
See Allow Domino AdminP Support in Section 4.4.2, Subscriber Options.
Consider adding the Publisher Options driver parameter named NDSREP Console Trace Level to your driver configuration. See NDSREP Console Trace Level in Section 4.4.3, Publisher Options.
See Section 4.0, Customizing the Driver for other new driver configuration parameters that might be useful for your driver configuration.
When your changes are complete, restart the driver.