1.9 NetWare Server Issues in iFolder 2.1

The following issues apply to the NetWare server operating systems:

1.9.1 Updates to Client Policies Fail after Upgrading from iFolder 1.0x to 2.1x

After upgrading from iFolder 1.0x on NetWare 6 to iFolder 2.1x on NetWare 6.5, changes you make to the Client Policies in the iFolder Management Console do not take effect. The interface indicates the changes were successful, but they actually fail. This problem occurs because the upgrade process does not delete the ifolder.xml file for iFolder 1.0x from the iFolder data directory. iFolder 2.1x attempts to use this file instead of the client policies contained in the iFolderSettings object in eDirectory.

To avoid this problem after the upgrade process completes, remove the ifolder.xml file from the iFolder data directory. By default, this location is sys:\ifolder\ifolder.xml. Replace sys:\ifolder with the actual path to your iFolder data directory. After you remove the ifolder.xml file, policies are correctly applied using the iFolderSettings object in eDirectory.

1.9.2 LDAP Server Has Wrong iFolder Port Number after Upgrading from iFolder 1.0x to 2.1x

After upgrading from iFolder 1.0x on NetWare 6 to iFolder 2.1x on NetWare 6.5, the LDAP server has the wrong iFolder port number. This results in iFolder bypassing the Set Passphrase option on an upgraded Novell NetStorage server, even if the existing iFolder account uses encryption.

When upgrading the NetWare 6 server, the NetStorage upgrade sequence provides an option to specify the correct iFolder DNS server name and port number. If you accept the default iFolder server name and port number (80), the wrong address gets stored in the LDAP server. The default port number used in iFolder 1.0x was 52080, but you should enter your actual port number.

To avoid this problem when upgrading NetStorage, make sure to specify the correct DNS server name and port number for the iFolder server.

To correct this problem if you have already upgraded NetStorage, use iManager to modify the iFolder DNS name and port number for NetStorage.

  1. In iManager, click File Access (NetStorage).

  2. Click iFolder Storage Provider.

  3. Type the correct iFolder server DNS name and port number. For example,


    Replace nif1.your-domain-name.com with the actual DNS name of your iFolder server. Replace 52080 with the actual port number of your iFolder server.

  4. To effect the change, click Submit.

  5. After the server updates, restart your server before you use it again.

1.9.3 Upgrading the Apache Version for iFolder 2.1

With iFolder 2.1 for NetWare 5.1 Support Pack 5 and NetWare 6.0 Support Pack 2 servers, you must use Apache Web Server 1.3.26 or 1.3.27. If you use another version of Apache, iFolder does not work as designed.

A binary distribution of Apache Web Server 1.3.26 was made available with NetWare 6.0 on the Netware 6 Overlay CD. A binary distribution of Apache Web Server 1.3.27 was made available with NetWare 6.0 Support Pack 2 on the Netware 6 Support Pack 2 Overlay CD. These versions might already be installed on your NetWare 6.0 servers.

For NetWare 6.0 servers, upgrade to Support Pack 2 and reinstall the original Apache 1.3.27 binary distribution; do not install iFolder on an upgraded version of Apache other than Apache 1.3.27.

For NetWare 5.1 Support Pack 5 servers:

  1. Download NetWare 6.0 Support Pack 2 or the NetWare 6.0 Support Pack 2 Overlay CD, then extract the contents to a temporary location.

  2. Locate the Products/Novonyx/aapache.zip file, which contains the binary distribution of Apache Web Server 1.3.27, then extract the contents of the file to a temporary directory.

  3. Copy the contents of the temporary directory to the sys:\apache directory on your NetWare 5.1 server.

1.9.4 Installing iFolder 2.1 on NetWare 5.1 Support Pack 5

Customers running Apache on NetWare 5.1 Support Pack 5 will most likely use the default Apache configuration file (httpd.conf) under the sys:\apache\conf directory. The iFolder 2.1 server software tries to modify the sys:\apache\conf\adminserv.conf file during the installation. On a NetWare 5.1 server, this file will not exist and the install will generate an error:

Error updating file.

To avoid this problem, manually add the following Include statement at the end of the httpd.conf file:

include sys:\Apache\iFolder\Server\httpd_ifolder_nw.conf

1.9.5 Failing to Load iFolder 2.1 in Protected Memory Space

On a NetWare server, you can run iFolder 2.1 in protected memory space or in operating system space. If you get public symbol errors while attempting to load iFolder in protected memory space, iFolder is not loading. This occurs because iFolder cannot find the root certificate file rootcert.der.

To solve this problem, copy the rootcert.der file (usually found in the sys:\public directory) to the following file:


Replace nif1.your_domain_name.com with the DNS name or the IP address (such as of your iFolder server.

1.9.6 Admin and User Web Pages Return an Access Error After Upgrade from iFolder 1.0x to 2.1x

Novell iFolder 1.0x did not allow iFolder to share a server address and port number. In the Netware 6 install, the user is given an option to use either alternate port numbers for iFolder (such as 51080, 52080, 51443, or 52443) or a secondary IP address. If you specify port numbers, the URLs for accessing the iFolder Web pages require that the port numbers be included in the address, such as in the following examples:

  • iFolder Management Console: The general URL is


    Replace nif1.your-domain-name.com with the actual DNS name or IP address of your iFolder Server. Replace portNumber with the your actual secure port number, such as 51443 or 52443.

  • iFolder Web Page: The general URL is


    Replace nif1.your-domain-name.com with the actual DNS name or IP address of your iFolder Server. Replace portNumber with the actual clear text port number, such as 51080 or 52080.

After upgrading iFolder 1.0x on NetWare 6 to iFolder 2.1x on NetWare 6.5, the iFolder Management Console for administrators and the iFolder Web page for users return a “Page Not Found” error when accessing the pages without specifying a port number and when using the links on the iFolder Welcome page. The link on the Welcome page directs the HTTPS request to Port 443 instead of to the original port number. Unless the port you used for iFolder 1.0x was actually Port 443, the error results.

To avoid this problem, the iFolder administrator and users must continue to access the iFolder Management Console and the iFolder Web page by specifying the port number you originally configured for iFolder 1.0x in the URL. For example:


To resolve this problem you can modify the port number settings. Please refer to TID 10084054 in the Novell Technical Support Knowledgebase.