The following issues apply to Linux operating system on Open Enterprise Server:
If you do a post-install using YaST2 Modules > Network Services > iFolder 2.x, the configuration is completed as part of the install and you do not need to execute the yast2 ifolder2 command.
/etc/init.d/novell-ifolder restart
If iFolder is installed in the standalone mode, NetStorage cannot run on the same machine and the Login link on the main iFolder page does not work because NetStorage is not installed on the local machine. However, you can install NetStorage on a separate machine and configure it to point to the standalone iFolder server. Then the user can use https://netstorage_server_ip_address/NetStorage to access NetStorage.
NetStorage needs to be configured with the iFolder 2.x server IP address; otherwise, NetStorage cannot be used to access iFolder.
When adding or modifying an iFolder Server object using iFolder Management Console > Global Settings > iFolder Servers, do not specify a value for the Private Host DNS or IP for a Linux iFolder Server object. This feature is not supported in iFolder 2.1.5 on OES Linux.