You can manage realms by using the kdb5_ldap_util utility.
This section provides information about the following:
You can use one of the following methods to create a realm:
Use the following syntax to create a realm:
kdb5_ldap_util [-D user_dn [-w passwd]] [-H ldap_uri] [-t trusted_cert] create [-subtrees subtree_dn_list] [-sscope search_scope] [-containerref container_reference_dn]
[-kdcdn kdc_service_list][-admindn admin_service_list]
[-pwddn passwd_service_list][-defencsalttypes enc_salt_types]
[-maxtktlife max_ticket_life]
[-maxrenewlife max_renewable_ticket_life]
[-ticket_flags] [-up] [-lp] [-k mkeytype]
[-m|-P password][-sf stashfilename][-r realm]
For example:
kdb5_ldap_util -r ATHENA.MIT.EDU -D cn=admin,o=org -H ldaps:// create -sscope 2 -kdcdn cn=service-kdc,o=org:cn=service-kdc2,o=org -defencsalttypes des3-cbc-shal:normal -subtrees o=org
Output of the above command:
Password for "cn=admin,o=org": Initializing database for realm ’ATHENA.MIT.EDU’ Enter KDC database master key: Re-enter KDC database master key to verify:
Table 3-6 Parameters for Creating a Realm
In Novell iManager, click the .
> .Refer to the iManager online help for more information.
You can modify the realm by using one of the following methods:
Use the following syntax to modify a realm:
kdb5_ldap_util [-D user_dn [-w passwd]] [-H ldap_uri] [-t trusted_cert] modify [-subtrees subtree_dn_list] [-sscope search_scope] [-containerref container_reference_dn]
[-kdcdn kdc_service_list] [-clearkdcdn kdc_service_list]
[-addkdcdn kdc_service_list] [-admindn admin_service_list]
[-clearadmindn admin_service_list]
[-addadmindn admin_service_list][-pwddn passwd_service_list]
[-clearpwddn passwd_service_list]
[-addpwddn passwd_service_list][-defencsalttype enc_salt_type]
[-maxtktlife max_ticket_life|-clearmaxtklife]
[-maxrenewlife max_renewable_ticket_life|-clearmaxrenewlife] [-ticket_flags] [-up|-clearup] [-lp|clearlp] [-r realm]
For example:
kdb5_ldap_util -r ATHENA.MIT.EDU -D cn=admin,o=org modify -clearkdcdn cn=service-kdc1,o=org:cn=service-kdc2,o=org -addkdcdn cn=service-kdc3,o=org:cn=service-kdc4,o=org -subtrees ou=users,o=org:ou=services,o=org
Output of the above command:
Password for "cn=admin,o=org":
Table 3-7 Parameters for Modifying a Realm
In Novell iManager, click the .
> .Refer to the iManager online help for more information.
If you modify the subtree list for a realm and the existing subtree is left out, then all the principals in that subtree are excluded from realm.
If you modify the scope for a realm, then the principals created previously under the old scope still exist, but might be excluded from the realm.
For example, if your subtree is "o=mit" that has a container "ou=students,o=mit" and you change the search scope from "sub" to "one", the Kerberos principal objects that were created under "ou=students,o=mit" still exist and are excluded from the realm.
Use the following syntax to view realms:
kdb5_ldap_util [-D user_dn [-w passwd]] [-H ldap_uri] [-t trusted_cert] view [-r realm]
For example:
kdb5_ldap_util -D cn=admin,o=org -H ldaps:// view -r ATHENA.MIT.EDU
Output of the above command:
Password for "cn=admin,o=org": Realm Name: ATHENA.MIT.EDUSubtree: ou=users,o=orgSubtree: ou=servers,o=orgSearchScope: ONEMaximum ticket life: 0 days 01:00:00Maximum renewable life: 0 days 10:00:00Ticket flags: DISALLOW_FORWARDABLE
You can use one of the following methods to destroy a realm :
Use the following syntax to destroy a realm:
kdb5_ldap_util [-D user_dn [-w passwd]] [-H ldap_uri] [-t trusted_cert] destroy [-f] [-r realm]
For example:
kdb5_ldap_util -D cn=admin,o=org -H ldaps:// destroy -r ATHENA.MIT.EDU
Output of the above command:
Password for "cn=admin,o=org": Deleting KDC database of ’ATHENA.MIT.EDU’, are you sure? (type ’yes’ to confirm)? yes OK, deleting database of ’ATHENA.MIT.EDU’... ** Database of ’ATHENA.MIT.EDU’ destroyed.
The principals associated with this realm are also deleted.
In Novell iManager, click the .
> .Refer to the iManager online help for more information.
Use the following syntax to list realms:
kdb5_ldap_util [-D user_dn [-w passwd]] [-H ldap_uri] [-t trusted_cert] list
For example:
kdb5_ldap_util -D cn=admin,o=org|-H ldaps:// list
Output of the above command:
Password for "cn=admin,o=org": NOVELL.COM ATHENA.MIT.EDU MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU