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Copy Volumes

  1. In the Project Window, click Copy Volumes.

    Before Migration Wizard starts copying files, it backs up your directory and file trustees and saves them in files located on the source and the destination server. Once the NDS migration is complete, Migration Wizard restores the trustees from the files it stored on the destination server.

    You do not need to copy all volumes at once. You can select volumes to copy now and then copy other volumes later by reopening the project file. Remember that open files are not migrated.

    IMPORTANT:  If you choose to copy your volumes in phases, at the final volume copy, make sure you select all volumes that you previously copied and then click Cancel. Otherwise, Migration Wizard will restore trustee assignments only to the last volumes that were copied.

  2. Select each volume name from the text field and then click Yes or No.

    If you decide not to copy any of the volumes, select No for all volumes, click Next, and then continue with Edit Configuration Files. If you selected Yes for one or more of the volumes, continue with Step 3.

    If you have big volumes or slow LAN connections, or if you want to reconfigure your data by putting existing directories into different folders on the destination server, you should consider using a backup tape to copy your volumes.

    IMPORTANT:  If you using tape backup, do not restore the source server's standard SYS: directories to the destination server if you are upgrading your NetWare operating system to a higher version. The standard SYS: directories, like SYS:SYSTEM and SYS:PUBLIC, were created for you during the NetWare installation.

    If you are only migrating your existing data to new hardware and keeping the same version of NetWare, restore the source server's standard SYS: directories to the destination server.

    If you decide to use tape backup, select No for all volumes on the Select Volumes to Copy screen, click Next, and continue with Edit Configuration Files.

  3. Decide if you want to copy the source server's SYS: directories to the destination server's SYS:MIG directory, and then click Next.

    Migration Wizard never overwrites the SYS: directories on the destination server. If you choose to migrate the source server's SYS: directories, Migration Wizard migrates them to the SYS:SYS.MIG directory on the destination server.

    If there are files in the source server's SYS: directories that you want to utilize on the destination server, after the NDS migration is completed, copy the files from the SYS:SYS.MIG directory into the appropriate SYS: directory on the destination server.

    Remember, any applications that have NLM programs in this directory will need to be reinstalled after the migration.

  4. Decide how you want to handle any duplicate filenames between the source server and the destination NDS tree. Select one of the following and then click Next:

    • Don't Copy Over Existing Files
    • Copy the Source File If It Is Newer
    • Always Copy the Source File

  5. Determine how you would like to copy your volumes and then click Next.

    You have the following two choices:

    • Copy volumes with users logged in
    • Disable login

    Migration Wizard does not copy open files. If you disable user login, you can be sure that no other users will log in to the network and open files during the file copy.

  6. Enter the passwords for the source and destination trees, and then click Next.

  7. If prompted, resolve any critical errors or warnings, and then click Next.

  8. To copy the file system to the destination NDS tree, click Migrate.

  9. Review the error and success logs, and then click Done.

Continue with the next section, "Edit Configuration Files."

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