In the Project Window, click Finish NDS Migration.
Read the Continue NDS Migration screen and make sure that
To check NDS synchronization status, enter DSREPAIR at the server console and run the Report Synchronization Status and Time Synchronization options. If the destination server does not contain a Read/Write or Master replica, you must check NDS synchronization by running DSREPAIR on another server in the NDS tree that has one of these replicas.
Click Yes or No to verify that you have completed the tasks in "Step 2," and then click Next.
Enter the password for the source tree and click Next.
Resolve any warnings or errors and click Next.
To finish the NDS migration, click Continue.
During this stage, Migration Wizard is restoring the file trustees and updating the Volume objects in the tree.
View the error and success logs, and then click Done to close the current project.
Continue with the next section, "Perform Post-Migration Tasks."