Setting Up Authentication Policies

To set an authentication policy for Novell BorderManager 3.7 Authentication Services, complete the following tasks:

Creating an Authentication Policy Object

To create an Authentication Policy object, complete the following steps:

  1. In NetWare Administrator, select the Organization or Organizational Unit object where you want to place the Authentication Policy object.

  2. Select Create from the Object menu.

  3. Select Authentication Policy > click OK.

  4. Enter the name of the Authentication Policy object > click OK.

Defining the Server to Host the Authentication Policy Object

To define the servers using the Authentication Policy object, complete the following steps:

  1. In NetWare Administrator, select the Authentication Policy object > right-click Details.

  2. Select Hosts > Add.

  3. Browse to select the server object that will host the Authentication Policy object > click OK.

Configuring Authentication Policy Rules

To configure authentication policy rules, complete the following steps:

  1. In NetWare Administrator, select the Authentication Policy object > right-click Details.

  2. Select Rules > Add.

  3. Select a predefined Service Type, or browse to select the distinguished name of a Service object.

  4. Click Users > add the User objects or Group objects that will use the policy > click OK.

  5. Click Methods > Add.

  6. Select the Authentication Method Type.

  7. (Optional) If you selected the Distinguished Name authentication method, browse and select the authentication method container.

  8. Select the appropriate Method Enforcement.

  9. Check Decrement Grace Logins if desired > click OK.

  10. Use the Up and Down arrows to specify the priority that the methods will be used (first to last).