C.1 August 15, 2006 (NLPOS 9 SSP3)

Throughout this document, version references have been updated, minor errors have been corrected, and the page design has been reformatted to comply with revised Novell documentation standards.

In addition, updates have been made to the following sections:

C.1.1 Overview

The following changes have been made to this section:



Section 1.2, Images Overview

This section is new.

Section 1.3.1, Design Guidelines for Large Environments

Added this section to provide system design recommendations for large retail environments.

C.1.2 Setting Up High Availability Branch Servers

The following changes have been made to this section:



Section 7.8, Updating High Availability Branch Servers

This section is new.

C.1.3 Testing Your Novell Linux Point of Service Environment

The following changes have been made to this section:



Section 12.2, Troubleshooting Terminal Bootup Problems

Added new troubleshooting information.

C.1.4 Changing the Server Language

The following changes have been made to this section:



Section B.0, Changing the Server Language

Moved this information to an appendix to improve the logical flow of the installation procedures.