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Managing RADIUS Proxy Services

Using the ConsoleOne utility on the administration workstation, you can perform the following management tasks for RADIUS proxy services:

Adding an NDS Context Domain Processed by Any RADIUS Server

To add an NDS context domain to be processed by any RADIUS server, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ConsoleOne.

  2. Double-click a Dial Access System object.

  3. Click Domains > Add.

  4. Specify the domain name and select the domain type NDS Context - Any RADIUS Server.

  5. Fill in the remaining information.

Refer to the context-sensitive help for more information.

Adding an NDS Context Domain Processed by a Specific RADIUS Server

To add an NDS context domain to be processed by a specific RADIUS server, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ConsoleOne.

  2. Double-click the Dial Access System object.

  3. Click Domains > Add.

  4. Specify the domain name and select the domain type NDS Context - Specific RADIUS Server.

  5. Fill in the remaining information.

Refer to the context-sensitive help for more information.

Adding a Generic Proxy Server Domain

To add a generic proxy server domain, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ConsoleOne.

  2. Double-click a Dial Access System object.

  3. Click Domains > Add.

  4. Specify the domain name and select the domain type Generic Proxy Server.

  5. Fill in the remaining information.

Refer to the context-sensitive help for more information.

Adding a Search Domain Server Domain

To add a search domain server domain, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ConsoleOne.

  2. Double-click a Dial Access System object.

  3. Click Domains > Add.

  4. Specify the domain name and select the domain type Search Domain Server.

  5. Fill in the remaining information.

Refer to the context-sensitive help for more information.

Adding a RADIUS Accounting Proxy Domain

To add a RADIUS accounting proxy domain, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ConsoleOne.

  2. Double-click a Dial Access System object.

  3. Click Domains > Add.

  4. Specify the domain name and select the domain type Generic Proxy Server or Search Domain Server.

  5. Click the Accouting tab and fill in the appropriate information.

Refer to the context-sensitive help for more information.

Modifying a Domain

To modify a domain, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ConsoleOne.

  2. Double-click a Dial Access System object.

  3. Click Domains and click on a domain.

  4. Click Modify and modify the properties of the domain.

Refer to the context-sensitive help for more information.

Deleting a Domain

To delete a domain, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ConsoleOne.

  2. Double-click a Dial Access System object.

  3. Click Domains and click on a domain.

  4. Click Delete.

Refer to the context-sensitive help for more information.

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