To set up a login policy for Novell RADIUS Services, complete the following tasks:
A Login Policy Object is created when you install NMAS.
If for some reason this object is deleted and you need to create a new object, complete the following steps:
Start ConsoleOne.
Select New > Object > SAS:Login Policy and click OK.
Set the properties of the Login Policy object.
Refer to the context-sensitive help for more information.
To configure login policy rules, complete the following steps:
Start ConsoleOne.
From the Security Container, double-click the Login Policy object.
Click the Rules tab.
Click + to add a login rule.
Click Browse and select the DAS object.
On the User List tab, click + and select the user or container that you want the rule to apply to.
On the Sequences tab, click +, then select the token method, then select Mandatory.
Click OK > OK > OK.