System services include: SSH, Novell Filr, Jetty, Postfix, and Novell FAMT. This section describes the kinds of actions you can perform in regards to these services.
Log in to the Novell appliance at https://server_url:9443, then click the Appliance Configuration icon.
.You can perform various actions for system services.
You might want to start, stop, or restart a service. For example, you can start SSH so that you can remote into the appliance without using a VMware client.
Select the service that you want to start, stop, or restart.
, then click , , or .Click
to exit System Services.Select the service that you want to make automatic or manual.
, then click , or .In the
column of the table, click the link for the service for which you want to view log files.The following files are available for each service:
Novell Filr: catalina.out, ssf.log, ssr.log (Filr appliance)
The catalina.out file reports all timestamps in UTC/GMT.
Jetty: jetty.stderrout.log (Filr, Search, and MySQL database appliances)
Postfix: mail (Filr appliance)
Novell FAMT: famtd.log (Filr appliance)
Search: indexserver.out (Search appliance)
MySQL: mysqld.log (MySQL database appliance)
to exit System Services.