E.0 Documentation Updates

This section summarizes the changes made to the guide since the initial release of Novell Filr 1.0.

February 2014



Section 2.1, Installing the Filr Appliance.

Removed the requirement of increasing the boot partition (Hard Disk 1) to 100 GB during installation.

Section B.0, Setting Up Remote NFS for the Filr Data Storage Location

Provided more detailed instructions for how to set up remote NFS as the Filr data storage location on Linux.

Section 1.3.1, Filr Server Requirements

Added support for VMware vMotion.

December 2013



Section 2.1, Installing the Filr Appliance

Added information about how to increase the amount of storage for the appliance’s boot partition (Hard Disk 1) when running Filr on VMware and Hyper-V.

Increasing the amount of storage for the boot partition on Xen is not possible.

November 2013



Section 7.5, Managing Certificates

Added information about general certificate management.

Section 1.3.1, Filr Server Requirements

Added a statement recommending the use of VMware tools on the VMware host server.

October 2013



Section 1.3.1, Filr Server Requirements

Added support for VMware ESXi 5.5.x with the latest update

Table 1-2, Search Index Appliance Storage and Table 1-3, MySQL Database Appliance Storage

Updated recommended storage requirements for the search index and database appliances to include a minimum storage of 10 GB for the search index appliance and 25 GB for the database appliance (in addition to the recommended disk space per file that was previously documented).

Section 1.4.3, Setting Aside a Filr Appliance for Re-Indexing and Net Folder Synchronization in a Clustered Environment

Added a section that describes how to set aside a Filr appliance to perform resource-intensive tasks, such as Net Folder synchronization and database re-indexing.

September 2013



Section 9.0, Updating Filr

Added a reference to an instructional video that demonstrates the update process. The video is embedded in the HTML view of this document, and appears as a link in the PDF view.