You can configure Novell Filr to send you email notifications for folders and their subfolders, or for individual files. This is called “subscribing” to a folder or file. Also, folder owners can configure Filr to send email notifications to you.
If you are particularly interested in a specific folder or file, you might want to subscribe to that folder or file. When you subscribe to a folder or file, Filr notifies you of the activity that takes place in the folder or file.
You must have an email address in your Filr profile in order to subscribe to files and folders. If you do not already have an email address specified in Filr, modify your profile as described in Section 1.5, Modifying Your Profile.
The following video walks you through the process of subscribing and unsubscribing to a folder or file:
To see other Novell Filr videos, see the Novell Filr YouTube playlist.
To subscribe to receive email notifications about changes that occur in a folder or file:
Select the check box to the left of one or more folders or files that you want to subscribe to.
If you subscribe to more than one file or folder simultaneously, the subscription settings you make apply to all of the folders and files that you select.
> .The Subscribe dialog box is displayed.
Select an email address or phone number where you want the notifications to be sent.
You can select multiple email or phone number delivery destinations for each notification type.
You can select these delivery destinations in any of the provided sections. The section where you make your selections designates the type of notification that you are subscribing to. You can subscribe to the following types of notifications:
Digest: (Available when subscribing to single folders only) Filr sends one message that summarizes all of the activity in the folder and its subfolders. Filr sends digest notifications at a schedule established by your site administrator.
Message only: Filr sends one message for every new or changed file. The email messages do not include an attachment of the actual file, but include information about the file and the activity that occurred. Filr sends all types of individual notifications every five minutes.
Message with Attachments: Filr sends one message for every new or changed file, and messages include an attachment of the actual file.
Text Message: Filr sends a message suitable for viewing as a text message. The content of the message includes only the linked title of the new or changed file. Filr sends text-message notifications up to every five minutes.
You must have a phone number specified in your user profile. For information about how to update your user profile, see Section 1.5, Modifying Your Profile.
(Conditional) If you are subscribing to multiple files or folders, you also see the following options beneath each notification type:
Clear item subscriptions: Clears the subscription for all folders or files that are selected. For example, if you are modifying the subscription settings for two files and you select
beneath the option, all digest subscriptions for all selected files and folders are removed.No changes: This option is selected by default when you subscribe to multiple files and folders. When it is selected, no changes are made to previously defined subscription settings for any of the files or folders that are selected.
(Optional) Select
if you want your selections to override those made by the administrator or folder owner.This option is available only when subscribing to a single folder.
For more information, see Section 2.6.2, Overriding Higher-Level Subscription Settings.
.If a folder owner or administrator has configured a folder to send you email notifications, you can override the higher-level settings.
Select the check box to the left of a single folder where you want to override the higher-level subscription settings.
You cannot select more than one folder when overriding higher-level subscription settings.
> .The Subscribe dialog box is displayed.
Select the kinds of notification that you want to receive.
.If you want to receive no email notifications:
Select the check box to the left of a single folder where you want to override the higher-level subscription settings.
You cannot select more than one folder when overriding higher-level subscription settings.
> .The Subscribe dialog box is displayed.
Ensure that no email address is selected in any of the sections.
.You can add and modify your email and phone number contact information in your Personal Profile.
Click your username in the upper right corner of any Filr page, then click
.Specify the appropriate delivery destination information in the
.Now, when you select your notification types and delivery destinations as described in Section 2.6.1, Subscribing to a Folder or File, the new or modified contact information is displayed.