3.2 Account

Click the Account option in the main menu to access the accounts on your server. You use this page to search user accounts, edit user accounts, and to create and delete user accounts on your Novell Conferencing server

Figure 3-7 Account Page

3.2.1 Creating an Account

  1. Click the Account option in the main menu of the admin console.

  2. Click the Create link in the top right corner to open the user creation form.

  3. Fill in the details for the user account to be created, then click Add to create an account on your server.

3.2.2 Searching for an Account

  1. Click the Account option in the main menu of the admin console.

  2. Specify the user ID in the Account Name text box and click Search.


    If you do not know the account name, click the Search button to display all the accounts on your server.

3.2.3 Updating an Account

  1. Click the Account option in the main menu of the admin console.

  2. Specify the user ID in the Account Name text box and click Search.

    If you do not know the exact user ID, you can simply click the Search button and scroll through the list to find the account you want to update.

  3. Click the name of the account you want to update (that is, click the hyperlink in the Account Name column of the table.)

  4. Edit the account details as necessary, then click Save Changes.

    Use the information in General and Rooms to help you make changes to the account.


The General tab allows you to edit or update contact information, the display name, first and last names, e-mail address, time zone, language, and the password for a user account that exists on the Novell Conferencing server.

For example, in the graphic below, an account that was originally named test has been updated by appending the number 1 at the end of every name and contact information instance, except the account name/user ID.

Figure 3-8 An Updated Account


The Rooms tab allows you to view the rooms that are available for a user ID.

  1. To update the room settings associated with this particular user, click the room name hyperlink in the Room Name column.

    You are redirected to the Room option form for the user:

  2. Use the information in Room to help you make changes to the user’s room.

3.2.4 Deleting an Account

  1. Click the Account option in the main menu of the admin console.

  2. Specify the ID of the account to be deleted and click the Search button.


    If you do not know the exact user ID, click the Search button and scroll through the list to find the account you want to update.

  3. Click the name of the account you want to delete (that is, click the link in the Account Name column of the table.)

  4. Click the Delete option in the top right corner to delete the account.