A.1 %do

A.1.1 Syntax

%do (action) while (condition)

Conditional Logic

== != > >= <<=


cmd set env


nlminfo set env


numerical: such as decimal (0) or hex (0x...)

text: Make sure the text is surrounded with double quotes. For example,


For More Information

Type help %do condition|action

A.1.2 Examples

cmd Action

%do (cmd update.ncf) while (set "allow lip"!="on") %do (cmd delay 5) while (env major<6)

set Condition\Action

%do (cmd ...) while (env testor!=0) %do (env myname=1) while (env testif=="false")

env Condition\Action

nlminfo Condition

%do (cmdenv %nlm) while (nlminfo *) %do (cmdenv %nlm) while (nlminfo portal:major > 2)