Novell iManager 2.7 is a Web browser-based tool used for configuring, managing, and administering Novell eDirectory™ objects on your network.
The Files and Folders plug-in for iManager 2.7 contains the Files and Folders role for Linux and NetWare®. You must install the filemanager.npm file in iManager. For information about installing NPM files for iManager, see the Novell iManager 2.7 Installation Guide.
The Files and Folders plug-in for Novell iManager 2.7 provides the tasks described in this section.
Delete a file or folder on an NSS volume or an NCP volume (NCP share on Ext3 or Reiser file systems) on Linux.
Salvage or purge deleted files. Salvage and purge of deleted files and directories is available only for NSS volumes where the volume’s Salvage attribute is enabled. Other NSS volume settings determine how long deleted files and directories are retained for salvage or purge actions. For information about configuring salvage and purge behavior for NSS volumes, see Salvaging and Purging Deleted Volumes, Directories, and Files
in the NW 6.5 SP8: NSS File System Administration Guide.
Select and download a file from an NSS volume or NCP volume to a specified location on your local drive or mapped network drive.
Create a folder on an NSS volume or NCP volume.
Add, remove, or modify file system trustees, trustee rights, and file attributes settings for files and folders.
Table 4-1 Properties Tasks
Upload a specified file from your local drive or a mapped network drive to a specified location on an NSS volume or NCP volume.
Launch a Web browser.
, then enter
The URL is case sensitive. Replace server-IP-address with the actual server DNS name or IP address. For example:
The iManager Login page opens.
Use your administrator username and password to log in to the Novell eDirectory™ tree that contains the server you want to manage.
In Novell iManager, you can access only the roles and tasks you are authorized to manage. For full access to all available Novell iManager features, you must log in as Supervisor of the tree.
Access iManager, then log in to the eDirectory tree where the server you want to manage resides.
For information, see Section 4.1.2, Accessing Novell iManager.
Files and Folders to reveal its main tasks:
To activate the options on the selected page, select a file or folder to manage.
For information, see Section 4.1.4, Selecting a File or Folder to Manage.
Before you can access the management options on a selected task page, you must select a file or folder to manage. It must be on a server that is in the same Novell eDirectory tree where you are currently logged in.
Use one of the following methods to select a file or folder in the tree where you are logged in:
Click the
icon to open the eDirectory Object Selector. Browse or search the list to locate the file or folder you want to manage, then click the object’s name link.Click the
icon to select a file or folder that you have recently managed.Wait for iManager to retrieve information about that file or folder and display the appropriate information to the task page you are in.
It might take several seconds to retrieve the information, depending on the size and complexity of your storage solution.