Before you can manage any backup tasks, ensure the following:
The backup or restore jobs created by you can be administered anytime. You can delete, hold, reschedule, abort, or enable a job.
Jobs can be managed either from the server or from the workstation.
On the SBCON Main Menu at the server, the Current Job List option gives you a job management facility where you can delete a job, hold a job, or enable it if it has been disabled after a job failure. You can even monitor the status of the backup/restore jobs you have submitted.
Current Job List provides the following information about all jobs submitted.
The name of the server from which the job was submitted. If you initiated the job from the client, locate the workstation name. See Viewing the Job Queue.
The job name that you entered on the Backup Options form. The job name can be renamed using the Job Details screen if you are rescheduling it to run another time and you want to change the name. See Viewing Job Details.
The Hold status. If you want to prevent a prescheduled job from execution, you can put it on Hold. See Postponing a Job.
The job status, whether it finished the execution of the request, or if it was submitted for execution at a later time. Other statuses are: active currently, could not run, processing, failed, and success. The log of each of these status reports can be viewed using the log and error reporting. For more details see Log and Error Files.
From Job Administration at the Quick Access window of a Windows workstation or at the toolbar, you can access the current list of jobs. If you select a job, you can see the properties, which include the following:
General properties contains fields for the Job Name, Job Type, Submitted By, Entry Open, and Serviced By. These fields are the same as the Job Details screen at the server.
Static properties contains fields for the Job Status, Job Submitted At, Execution Time, and Job's Rescheduled Count.
Dynamic properties contains data that indicates how much data has been backed up along with the filenames. This dialog box appears when a job is running and SBSC is loaded on the server.
Enable job allows you to start a job that has been disabled.
Start/Hold the job allows you to start a job that is in the hold state or place it on hold if it is not in a hold state.
Reschedule options contains fields for changing the backup schedule.
This section discusses the following:
You can view the job queue from the server or a workstation.
Ensure that you have met the prerequisites detailed in Prerequisites for SBCON Tasks.
Select Main Menu > Job Administration > Current Job List.
The Queue Jobs screen displays a list of all jobs, showing each job name, hold status, status of the job, and name of the server from where the job was submitted.
At the Quick Access window, click Job Administration
Double-click the context of the queue location.
Double-click Queues.
A list of jobs appears.
(Optional) Select a job from the list > right-click and then click Dynamic Properties to view the dynamic properties of the job.
You can also view the properties using the toolbar. Click Job Administration > Properties.
This screen gives you all the details of the job you submitted including job name, the time the job was submitted, and the time the job should be executed. You can also schedule the job to run at a predefined time again after its execution.
You can view job details from the server or a workstation.
Ensure that you have met the prerequisites detailed in Prerequisites for SBCON Tasks.
Select Main Menu > Job Administration > Current Job List.
Select one of the jobs listed and press Enter.
The Job Details screen appears displaying the following information:
Job Name---A descriptive name of the job for your identification. You can change the name if you want to reschedule the job and run it again.
Disabled--- Indicates whether the job is disabled. If it is, this field displays Yes; if enabled, it displays No. Updates to this field depend on the job status. If the job status is Could Not Finish, the message is Yes. You can perform the required troubleshooting and change this field to No, subsequently allowing the job to execute. After completion of the job, the Disabled field indicates Yes.
Submitted By---The name of the server where you have submitted the job. If you submitted the job from a client, it displays the name of the workstation and is the same as the Owner in the Queue Jobs screen.
Submitted at---The date and time the job was submitted. The execution time could be different depending upon the specifications you defined in Execution Time and Scheduling Options in the same screen.
Entry Open---The status is Yes when the job is active and No when it is inactive. This is one of the fields that is updated automatically.
Execution Time---An option to give the time and date when you want the job to run. It is the same as the Execution Time in the Advanced Backup Options form.
Serviced By---This indicates the name of the server where the job is to be executed. From a single server, you can submit jobs to various servers. This field indicates which job is serviced by which server. This field is active only when the job is active; otherwise, it indicates None.
Scheduling Options---You can schedule the same job to run at another time. For information, see Customizing Backup.
Session Report---Press Enter at this field to view the session log report or the session error report for the particular session you selected. The same information can be seen in the Error Log File where it gives a log of all the jobs. For information, see Viewing a Log File.
At the Quick Access window, click Job Administration.
Double-click the context.
Double-click Queues.
Select the job from the list.
Right-click the job and then Dynamic Properties to view the dynamic properties of the job.
(Optional) You can view the properties using the toolbar. Click Job Administration > Properties.
This task lets you to place a job on hold from either the server or a workstation.
Ensure that you have met the prerequisites detailed in Prerequisites for SBCON Tasks.
Select Main Menu > Job Administration > Current Job List.
The Queue Jobs screen appears with a list of jobs.
Select a job and press Tab.
The job is on hold if Hold is displayed in the column. If no status is displayed, it is ready for execution at the time you configured it. Press Tab to toggle holding a job.
At the Quick Access window, click Job Administration.
Double-click the context.
Double-click Queues.
Select the job to place on hold.
Right-click the job and then click Start/Hold the Job.
(Optional) You can also hold the job using the toolbar. Click Job Administration > Start/Hold the Job.
The Storage Device Administration option of the SBCON Main Menu at the server or the Device Administration button at a Windows workstation lists the devices and the media you can access.
You can perform the following administrative tasks:
SBCON supports autoloader, which holds multiple media within a magazine. Every magazine has slot numbers given by the manufacturer and each slot holds a single medium. This is extremely useful when you are backing up a large server. If one medium is fully written, the SME automatically writes to the other available media.
IMPORTANT: Any media under a device becomes inaccessible if a job is running on it because it is reserved by the engine. Any job scheduled to be executed at that instance will fail.
The Device Status screen displays information about the current status of a device, such as read, write, and format from the server or workstation. It also gives information on the storage capacity.
Ensure that you have met the prerequisites detailed in Prerequisites for SBCON Tasks.
Select Main Menu > Storage Device Administration.
Select a device and press Insert.
Select Utilities > Device Status.
The Device Status screen is displayed listing the following information:
Current Operation---Indicates whether the device is currently reading, writing, formatting the media, or none of these.
Device Mode---Indicates whether the device is selected for reading, writing, or both.
Maximum Capacity---Indicates the total storage capacity of the media currently present in the device.
Press Esc when you are finished to return to the Main Menu.
At the Quick Access window, click Device Administration.
Double-click the context.
Double-click Queues.
Double-click the preferred queue.
Double-click Servers.
Double-click the preferred server.
Double-click Devices.
Right-click the device and then click Properties to view the Device Label or Device Type.
(Optional) You can also view the properties using the toolbar. Click Device Administration > Properties.
The default names for storage devices are controlled by the device manufacturers. These names are often not descriptive, so you change the name of the device during multiple backup sessions. However, this change is temporary, and it is lost after a reboot. If you have several devices, it might be difficult to remember which name goes with which device. For this reason, renaming storage devices is helpful.
You can change a device label from the server or a workstation.
Ensure that you have met the prerequisites detailed in Prerequisites for SBCON Tasks.
Select Main Menu > Storage Device Administration.
Select a device name and press Insert.
Select Utilities > Change the Device Label.
Enter the new name in the field.
Press Esc as required to return to the Main Menu.
At the Quick Access window, click Device Administration.
Double-click the context.
Double-click Queues.
Double-click the preferred queue.
Double-click Servers.
Double-click the preferred server.
Double-click Devices.
Right-click the device to change.
Click Properties > Device Label.
Change the name in the Device Label field.
Click OK.
This task allows you to view your list of devices from the server or a workstation.
Ensure that you have met the prerequisites detailed in Prerequisites for SBCON Tasks.
Select Main Menu > Storage Device Administration.
A list of devices is displayed.
If no device is displayed in the list, run LIST DEVICES at the server prompt.
Select a device name and press Enter.
The List of Media screen appears displaying the following information:
Media name---The name of the media, which can be changed using the Utilities menu. See Erasing or Retaining Media.
Number---The sequential number of the media (tape) in a particular backup set. SBCON automatically labels and appends an incremental number to any backup session that spans multiple media.
HINT: It takes a lot of time to display the media in an Autoloader. However, once the media list is displayed, press Tab to access it. This will not rescan the device for new media. Press Enter only when you remove or add media.
At the Quick Access window, click Device Administration.
Double-click the context.
Double-click Queues.
Double-click the preferred queue.
Double-click Servers.
Double-click the preferred server.
Double-click Devices.
Right-click the preferred device.
View the media list.
This task erases media headers, erases all data on the media, or retentions media in tape devices.
Ensure that you have met the prerequisites detailed in Prerequisites for SBCON Tasks.
The following table describes all media options.
Select Main Menu > Storage Device Administration.
A list of devices is displayed.
Select one device from the list.
Select one media and press Insert.
Select Utilities > Erase the Media [or] Retention of Media.
At the Quick Access window, click Device Administration.
Double-click the context.
Double-click Queues.
Double-click the preferred queue.
Double-click Servers.
Double-click the preferred server.
Double-click Devices.
Right-click the media > click Erase Media [or] Retension.
(Optional) You can also use the toolbar. Click Device Administration > Media > Erase Media [or] Retension.
This task lets you check the status of a particular media type from either the server or a workstation.
Ensure that you have met the prerequisites detailed in Prerequisites for SBCON Tasks.
Select Main Menu > Storage Device Administration.
Select one device from the list.
Select one media and press Insert.
Select Utilities > Media Status.
A screen is displayed listing the following information:
Number in Media Set---The sequential number of the media within a particular media set.
SBCON automatically labels and appends an incremental number to any backup sessions that span multiple media.
Creation time---The time the current media label was first used on this media.
Mount status---Whether the media is Mounted (ready for reading or writing). There are two status messages:
Mount Pending: The request to mount is waiting to be processed.
Not Mounted: The media not ready to access.
Media mode---Whether the media is selected for reading, writing or both, or whether the mount request is pending.
Media type---The type of media in the device, such as 4mm DDS (Digital Data Storage) tape, or 8mm tape.
Total capacity---The total capacity of the media, if known. Sometimes it is not displayed, depending on the media manager.
The type of media manager controls the display of the total capacity of the media.
Press Esc when you are finished to return to the Main Menu.
Click Device Administration at the Quick Access window.
Double-click the context.
Double-click Queues.
Double-click the preferred queue.
Double-click Servers.
Double-click the preferred server.
Double-click Devices.
Right-click the preferred media > Properties > Media Status.
If the storage media you are using does not have enough space for the entire backup, SBCON will span the media, prompting you to insert additional media when the first medium is full.
HINT: Always have extra media on hand in case the backup session spans more than one medium.
SBCON designates the first media as label #1 and increments any subsequent medium with the same label.
WARNING: To help safeguard your network, SBCON disconnects from the target when a delayed backup is complete. If the delayed backup session cannot fit on the media, SBCON prompts you to insert additional media. If additional media are not inserted, the backup does not finish and SBCON does not disconnect, thereby compromising security.
SBCON keeps a list of all the log and error files, which show specific information about the backup and restore session. See Session Files for more information.
You can manage these files as follows:
See Viewing a Log File and Viewing an Error File for information.
See Creating Log and Error Files for information.
See Setting the Location of Backup Log and Error Files for information.
See Deleting the Log Files for information.
This task lets allows you to view your log file for backup and restore information from either the server or a workstation. The log file is created on the host server the first time data is backed up or restored and contains details about the session.
Ensure that you have met the prerequisites detailed in Prerequisites for SBCON Tasks.
From the SBCON Main Menu, select Log File Administration > View a Log File.
If necessary, set the location of the log and error files for a backup session. (This option is not supported for a restore session.)
To set the location, use one or more of the following methods:
You can also press Insert during this process to select existing parts of the path from a list.
The backup log displays all supported name space types. The creator name space is the first in the group and a right-angle bracket (>) appears next to it.
If you have linked UNIX files, SBCON retains both symbolic and hard links created under the NFS name space type, but links are not listed in the backup log. Restoring the original file restores associated links.
To return to the Main Menu, press Enter and then Esc.
The Esc key allows you to exit SBCON one screen at a time until you reach the Main Menu. If you want to exit SBCON, press Esc again and answer the confirmation prompt.
At the Quick Access window, click Reports
Double-click the context.
Double-click Queues.
Double-click the preferred queue.
Double-click Servers.
Right-click the preferred server.
Select Session Report.
The server displays where the report is located.
An error file records any errors that occurred during the backup or restore session. (See Session Files.) It can be viewed from the server or a workstation.
Ensure that you have met the prerequisites detailed in Prerequisites for SBCON Tasks.
From the SBCON Main Menu, select Log File Administration > View an Error File.
If necessary, set the location of the log and error files for a backup session. (This option is not supported for a restore session.)
To set the location, use one or more of the following methods:
You can also press Insert during this process to select existing parts of the path from a list.
Restore errors are appended to a session's backup error file. A Restore Session Begins message marks the beginning of the restore errors, if any exist.
If you linked UNIX files, symbolic and hard links created under the NFS name space type might not be restored if the pathname is not recognized. When this happens, the error file contains messages similar to the following:
Error restoring namespace specific information of XXXX:tmp/hosts in NFS namespace, error 0x7!
Unable to allocate directory handle for XXXX:tmp/test!
When you are finished viewing the file, press Esc.
To return to the Main Menu, press Esc as required.
The Esc key allows you to exit SBCON one screen at a time until you reach the Main Menu. If you want to exit SBCON, press Esc again and respond at the confirmation prompt.
At the Quick Access window, click Reports.
Double-click the context.
Double-click Queues.
Double-click the preferred queue.
Double-click Servers.
Right-click the preferred server.
Select Error Report.
If you do not know what is on the media, or you have lost or deleted the log and error files, you can re-create them.
Ensure that you have met the prerequisites detailed in Prerequisites for SBCON Tasks.
To create a log or error file, see Creating Session Files.
Every time you do a backup, you are required to set a location (or directory path) for the log and error files. The restore log and error files are always located in the directory, SYS:SYSTEM/TSA/RESTORE.
You can set the location when requested in the backup procedures, or you can use the following method prior to beginning the backup procedures.
Ensure that you have met the prerequisites detailed in Prerequisites for SBCON Tasks.
From the SBCON Main Menu, select Log File Administration > Set Location of Log and Error Files.
Set the location using one or more of the following methods:
You can also press Insert during this process to select existing parts of the path from a list.
Press Esc when finished to return to the Main Menu.
SBCON allows you to overwrite sessions and reuse storage media.
When you delete the log file for a session using the following procedure, you automatically delete the corresponding error file as well.
To prevent outdated session information from taking up disk space and to help prevent confusion when you select sessions to view or restore, delete the session log files for any session that has been overwritten.
Ensure that you have met the prerequisites detailed in Prerequisites for SBCON Tasks.
NOTE: You cannot delete log and error files at the workstation.
To delete the log and error files from the server, do the following.
From the SBCON Main Menu, select Log File Administration > View a Log File.
If you have not set the location of log and error files, do so now using one or more of the following methods:
You can also press Insert during this process to select existing parts of the path from a list.
Select the description of the session that you have overwritten (or plan to overwrite) and press Delete.
A confirmation prompt is displayed.
To delete the log and error file for that session, click Yes.
Press Esc when finished to return to the Main Menu.
If you do not know what is on the media, or you have lost or deleted the log and error files, you can re-create them from either the server or a workstation.
Ensure that you have met the prerequisites detailed in Prerequisites for SBCON Tasks.
From the SBCON Main Menu, select Job Administration > Create Session File.
The Session Files Options screen appears.
Enter a descriptive name.
Select the media you will be using.
If you have only one loaded, press Enter to accept the default.
To verify the media, press Enter.
SBCON reads the media and shows you the selected session.
Confirm the creation of the session files.
If the session selected is the session you want for log and error file creation, click Yes, Create Files for This Session.
If the session selected is not the session you want for log and error file creation, click No, Go to the Next Session.
If you elect to create session files, they will be created in the location you chose.
At the Quick Access window, click Create Session.
Double-click the context.
Double-click Queues.
Select the preferred queue.
Double-click Servers.
Select the preferred server.
Double-click Devices.
Select the preferred device.
Select the preferred media.
Right-click the job and select Submit the Job.
Check the appropriate fields in the Submission of Job dialog box.
This option allows you to check the data on the media from either the server or a workstation to make sure it has been backed up properly, and to check later that the data is valid and can be restored.
You can verify the backup data in two ways:
Ensure that you have met the prerequisites detailed in Prerequisites for SBCON Tasks.
Select Main Menu > Job Administration > Verify
The Verify Options screen appears.
Enter a descriptive name for the verify job.
Select the device and media of the job.
You can also manually enter this in the form device name.
Press Enter in the Session to Restore field.
A list of all backup sessions is displayed in the Select a Session screen.
Select a session from the list.
Submit the job after confirming the Submit Job? prompt.
Select Job Administration > Current Job List.
Select the job you have submitted.
If there were no problems with the verification or the data, the Run Time Status screen displays the following message:
The verification process was completed normally.
At the Quick Access window, click Verify.
Double-click the context if necessary.
Double-click Queues.
Double-click the preferred queue.
Double-click Servers.
Double-click the preferred server.
Double-click Devices.
Double-click the preferred device.
Right-click the preferred media.
Select Submit the Job.
In the Submission of Job dialog box, click the session.
Click Finish.